Friday, October 31, 2008


Here's a pic of Angelina Ballerina and Cheerleader Autumn dressed up for Halloween before school this morning. We'll see if the costumes hold up until trick-or-treating tonight.

My baby girl is growing up so fast. Abigail came into our room this morning announcing that she has a loose tooth. Can you believe it!? Gotta run and get a tooth fairy pillow.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Growing Like a Weed

We moved Abigial into a "big girl bed" at 2 because we needed the crib for Autumn. With Autumn, we actually got to use our convertible crib as a toddler bed. But yesterday we decided to graduate her to her own big girl bed. It was a huge hit. Both the girls crawled right up to snuggle in. Here's a look-see. Makes me want to curl up and take a nap.

All Made Up
Snuggle Buddies
Curled Up With a Good Book

Friday, October 24, 2008

Halloween Madness

I did not realize that the Saturday before Halloween was going to be such a crazy party day. Abigail has multiple invites to Halloween parties on Saturday and local activities at the University and Downtown are popping up.

We actually won't be going to any of them because we will be giong to my sister-in-laws baby shower. We are so excited for the girls to have a new cousin right down the street and can't wait to meet the new little tike. Abigail is hoping to have mini pancakes and mini ice cream sandwiches as food for the shower. As cute as that is, I think grown up food is in order.

We'll just have to wait until Halloween to jump in on the fun. Currently, we have three options for trick-or-treating and a neighbor has offered to host S'mores over a fire pit for Halloween night. Where to begin.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Almost Regular

You will understand this post only if you are one of my groupies (not).

I have pooped out another paper and plan on pooping out another one today.

I am beginning to feel some serious relief. That just leaves me with one more to start and complete by mid-November.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Elementary School Rocks

Abigail and I had the best time at her school's culture festival last night. The local highschool was there to perform Step Show. I LOVE Step Show's. We made an origami frog, wrote in Japanese calligraphy, she tried indian food...can you believe it?! My picky eater was trying new foods (Again, credit goes to the school) Her teacher has a grant for weekly Alphabet Cafe. They try new foods that relate to the letter and phonics they are learning that week, they have to wait until everyone is served, they can NOT say anything is 'yucky', and they must mind all of their table manners. Ingenious. Back to the topic at hand. We ended the evening with listening to African Drums and dance. It was a blast. Did I mention how cool it is that the high school has a Step team? :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

He Is Famous

My awesome writer husband just had this WoW article published online.

Don't forget, his awesomeness also has a story published in the Dragonlance Chronicles.

You rock, Brian!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Back in the Shop

It looks like our trusty little Civic will be heading back into the shop. Let's hope it's cheap and that our little coupe can make it another year when I have an income again.

On the bright side, we carved an emoticon in our jack-o-lantern this weekend, had the girls' picture taken, and washed the cars. The weather has been delightful and the semester is halfway through. Just 290 days left of school!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A Little Perspective

When I am overwhelmed, I just look at the girls and it all makes sense.
They are what's most important.
Slugger Autumn

Pure Innocence

Bathroom Beauties

Super Strength

One Paper Pooped

Still feel backed up.

Monday, October 06, 2008

At the Very Least, I Make Me Laugh

I was in the shower, feeling overwhelmed by school, when I decided I was "paper constipated". I'm sure I'm the only one laughing at this point, but allow me to explain. Potty humor is not my thing (it should be given husband's penchant for it, but I digress). I have four papers, let me repeat that FOUR papers due in the next month. I am suffering severe writer's block and am therefore, paper constipated. I know the pressure will be relieved if I could just poop out a paper or two this week. Anyone have a laxative for this sort of thing or am I still the only one laughing?

P.S. I will not be offended if you were offended by this posting.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Not Overly Political

I'm not an uber-politico. I follow when it interests me and focus on the issues that currently are having the biggest impact on my life. I am not inviting anyone to tell it is all important and that I should get caught up in the nitty gritty. But this week I did watch the VP debates. It was quite amusing. Sadly it's a given, all of the candidates will stretch the truth, outright lie, or not answer the question. But if you brush that all aside, one candidate seems more believable and willing to meet your needs. Let's just say I'm going to side with the candidate that can properly say "nuclear". Really peeps, is that asking too much.