Thursday, June 10, 2010

What Can You Do?

I've not felt very bloggy lately. What can I say. My computer is abysmally slow, the battery last for 30 minutes before it dies and there just hasn't been much new to say. I'm kind of still hunkering down in survival mode. Getting used to the new job and juggling daily life. I've also been weepy because Bridget is weaning earlier than I had hoped. I've been struggling for a couple of months. She's eaten through all of the reserve milk and we started supplementing with formula. I know it' was a good 9 months and no one else cares, but I do. It makes me sad. I enjoyed it and, despite the stress, it was a way to keep doing something for her even when I was away at work. But, she had her 9 month appointment today and has plummeted on the growth charts. We've offered her bigger bottles and supplements and she has been refusing them the last few months. It looks like she's finally willing to up the volume this last week, but we'll have to check back in with the doc in a month or two to be sure it's stuck. I'm sure it's nothing, but still doesn't feel good to know that your kid didn't get any taller or put on much weight. As a baby, that's kind of your job. What else do you have to tackle besides eating, pooping, sleeping and growing.

I can not believe tomorrow is Abigail's last day of first grade. The year has simply flown by. She is getting to be so grown up. She has certainly acquired an entirely new wardrobe with all the newfound height. She's getting so big, I'm almost not strong enough to carry her anymore. She is awesome.

Autumn has been trying to get over a little cold the last few weeks. It just seems to be lingering. She and her big sister like to play school. Abby is currently teaching her the letters of the alphabet and math. It's really cute and handy to have a big sib encouraging her little sibling along.

Now if only I can get both of the girls to ride their bikes and swim indepently by the end of summer. It's good to have goals.