Tuesday, July 06, 2010

An Assortment

It seems it's been so long since I've blogged that they've changed the sign in process. I couldn't get any of my go-to passwords to work. Had to completely reset them. Goodness. Guess I should be more bloggy.

I've started to get into the swing of summer. I've accepted that while I may not to be the one to do all the fun stuff with the kids (pesky job); the kids are having an awesome summer so far. Trips to the beach with Gramma and Grandpa, the local water park, BBQs, fireworks, library trips, swimming, picnics, park days, sprinkler fun, and ice cream. Really, as a kid, what more could you want.

Now that I'm off orientation, I've been working lots of hours. The overtime pay is pretty sweet and I'm really starting to feel pretty proficient at my job. At the very least, I know that I am an asset to the unit. Picking up short shifts, taking heavy assignments. I've still got lots to learn, but it is nice to settle in. I still don't feel like I belong on night shift. Maybe it's the bleary eyes or personal insecurities or maybe it's just because I don't like it. I don't have a choice about being a rotator right now, so I'm going to make the most of it. Weekend night pay!

Bridget is on the verge of crawling. I can not believe that my other two were walking by 10/11 months. Bridget is 10 months old and doesn't even crawl. Believe me, I'm enjoying this pace. The no teeth thing is weirding me out, too, though. They may all be girls, but they couldn't be more different.

Ok, I thought I would write more and have it be more cohesive, but the girls are being crazy monkeys and I don't get to see them enough as it is. I can't promise to blog again any time soon, so I hope you enjoy your summer! I know we will.