Monday, August 23, 2010

We're Back Baby!!!!!

Life is always busy. Let's face it, you think to yourself 'I'll get to that when things are less busy, back to normal', yet that moment never seems to arrive. That's because there is no such thing as normal, this is life. It's chaotic at times, emotional, and a lot fun. If you wait for it to slow down, you are going to miss the train altogether. So here is a quick list of what has been keeping me busy of late.

1) BRIAN GOT A JOB!!!!! I cried, I am ecstatic, I am overwhelmed and overjoyed. He is the editor at Ivy Publishing. For any of you locals keeping up, that's Albemarle Family Magazine and the C-ville Welcome Book. I can not describe how life changing this is for us. Probably just as life changing as the day we found he lost his job, but I much prefer the change for the better.

2) Bridget started daycare. :( Today was her first day. To her credit, she did really good for her first day away from us. She didn't cry, but she didn't eat or sleep either. When she saw me, she sobbed, jammed her thumb in her mouth and put her head of my shoulder. I don't think she would have let me go if she hadn't been so happy to see her crib at home.

3) Abigail starts 2nd grade in two days. She is nervous about the new teacher, new classmates, and the unexpected in general. I have no doubt she will be adjusted by the end of the week.

4) Autumn has started doing daycare all day. She was a little nervous about it (which seems silly since it's the same classroom she's been doing half days in for the last year). She's doing great and gets to move up to Pre-K in the next week or two.

5) My dad's heart gave out on him. He's got a pacemaker and defibrillator to help it along, plus a slew of meds. We're just happy that they were able to manage things for the time being.

6) It is annual review time on my unit. This requires self-evaluations and peer reviews. It also happens to be the same time my evidence-based practice project is due for my nursing residency program and my portfolio is due. I will likely be busy at work on all of it on Wednesday while the kids are at their respective schools.

7) I'm in party planning mode for Bridget's first birthday. I am too overwhelmed to do much more than a quiet family affair. I had grand plans of pairing the birthday party with a 'Brian has a job' celebration, but I think I will have to defer the latter to a time when I can really devote the time and energy it deserves.

8)We are going to hire someone to clean this house. I can not wait. Our house is tidy and clean, but it needs a good scour and I'm not up for it. I can not wait to hand over some hard earned dollars and get a sparkling shower and dust-free furniture out of it.

9)And in case you hadn't put two and two together, I don't have to work overtime anymore (unless I feel like it or want to buy myself something pretty). I can't wait to see what a normal schedule feels like.

My life is far from perfect, but if sure does feel pretty darn close. I feel like I've returned to the land of the living. We can entertain thoughts of new furniture or a new car. We can sign the kids up for dance classes and do all the things that "normal" families get to do. I feel like I've resurfaced and the air is so sweet. I am excited to see what this new phase of our life brings us. I am having a blast watching my kids grow up and am so proud of all that Brian has accomplished. I've got my family. What more do you need?