Monday, February 09, 2009

Hello Second Trimester

Well, I had my second appointment today and all is well. My midwife could feel my fundus (top of the uterus for most folks), which was no surprise to me since every time I lay on my stomach I can feel it. I'm up 3 pounds (which is a lot for me for the first trimester, but totally in the realm of normal and I'm sure some would say I should be thankful). Baby's heart rate sounds good and it's an active little fetus. Every time we found the heart beat it would bounce away. I didn't realize you can hear the blood flow of the placenta, but you can and it sounded just the way it's suppose to. It was high up, so I imagine this is a good sign that placenta previa won't be an issue. Lab work came back with a thumbs up and they are already working on scheduling the 22 week ultrasound (just 10 weeks away!).

I have a feeling this pregnancy is going to fly by. I feel like it was just yesterday that I hoping the pregnancy would make it to my first appointment at 8 weeks. I am trying to take the time to enjoy each day of this pregnancy, but it's hard when you don't feel particularly pregnant. I'm not tired or morning sick. I can still wear my everyday jeans. Hopefully I feel some kicks in the next few weeks, then there will be no way to "forget" that I'm pregnant. Just putting this to paper makes it so exciting. Life is really busy right now and we have more than our share of stresses, but this baby is my little reminder of hope and peace and happiness. I have my family and my health and that is what is most important.

P.S. The baby is drinking amniotic fluid and peeing it out. Go kidneys. Here's a picture of what the baby may look like. It's like it's sleeping in a puffy amniotic cloud.

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