Monday, April 13, 2009

Intentions Only Get You So Far

Well, I had every intention of updating more frequently, but I can see that isn't going to happen. I am pulling myself out of the school trenches and hope to see daylight sometime late Wednesday night. There will still be two assignments left, but nothing quite so weighty. Clinical time has been completed for the semester which was hugely time consuming (in a good way, dont' get me wrong).

When I do have breaks, I like to spend them with the girls and Brian, no offense internets. I have been busy planning our little Baby Reveal party and visiting family over Easter weekend (it all ironically fell on Easter weekend because I do not find Easter to be a holiday that necessitates with a visit with all the family members or worthy of numerous planned events). I've also been doing some research on Star Wars themed birthday parties, since Abigail is just smitten with the movies and is declaring this the year of the Star Wars party. It's quite a different way of thinking, given the girly girliness that has consumed my life the last 6 years.

The baby is kicking up a storm, but Brian still can't feel it. I refuse to let anyone else even try until Brian declares he can feel a kick. That is a first that I feel should be reserved for the papa. I have also recently been getting grumpy over all of the volunteered opinions thrown at me and extra gushiness. I know everyone means well, but I am not a gushy person. The more excited you become, the less excited I become. Makes no sense, I know. Blame hormones or life stress, but it is what it is. I also find well-intentioned often means the other person does for you what they would like done for them in a similar situation without taking the time to ask me what I need or want. If you ask, you might find we want the same thing, but you just might find my needs are completely different.

Well, that certainly is a sour note to end on. If it helps, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I am taking time to enjoy the happy moments in my life (of which there are many) amongst the chaos, and if nothing else, I am now able to enjoy a delicious slice of cake without any undesirable consequences. Sweet sugar, here I come.

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