Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I am thankful for many things this year...

I am thankful my husband watched the kids this afternoon so that I could go see an afternoon movie...sorry the baby cried so much.

I am thankful that my family is healthy.

I am thankful I have a roof over my head. And not just any roof, the roof is attached to a home I love.

I am thankful for heat and nutritious food on the table.

I am thankful I have a job to start in less than 3 weeks.

I am thankful that my children are loving, thriving, and make my life fun.

I am thankful that my husband balances me out and is my biggest fan.

I am thankful that my husband is an awesomely hard worker, despite adversity.

I am thankful for good friends that I can be myself around.

I am thankful for love, life, liberty, and happiness.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Less Weighty Matters

I am psyched that I fit into my prepregnancy jeans (with room), have hit my breastfeeding weight (I accept 5 extra pounds for boobs, milk, and reserves), and I feel great. I still have my little cupcake to thank for my muffin top, but it's nothing pilates and a little time won't fix.

Just in time for holiday sweets.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Lazy Blogger

My husband argues that 'lazy' is not a word that he would ever use to describe me. Regardless, I have been slack about blogging. Mostly because I don't imagine anyone would find child rearing as interesting a topic as I do. How many times can I post about a good or bad night's sleep with an infant? The big girls are pretty easygoing. They have their moments, but really don't get into any notable antics.

We're gearing up for the holiday season and my return to full-time work. I am definitely concurrently very excited and sad at the same time. I know Bridget will be in good hands and will not starve, despite staunch refusal of the bottle. She's a smart cupcake and will figure out the whole bottle eating thing. I'll stress over sleepless nights combined with busy days. But I also know that I will love my job, love my coworkers and love that I can help contribute to this family's money pot.

In this day and age, women can do anything they want. I am happy to be a living example to my girls that you can get an education, you can have a career, you can be a mom and a friend and a wife. Schedules get hectic and stressful, but it can be done. I do not want them to see work as a chore. Even when I've had jobs I don't like, it is still my responsibility as an adult. A means to an end. Life isn't always easy, but I will take on the challenge to balance it all in an effort to fulfill my need to be immersed in science, my desire to be a happy person, and to give my children the world. I will miss my girls during the day, but I will not lay on the guilt when I leave the house. Dad's never feel guilty for going to work because they know it is an integral part of sustaining a family.

But don't get me wrong, on my days off I am going to be organizing playdates, overseeing homework, and snuggling my babies.

On that note, here are some pics of my cute babies that we took because Autumn is 4 (and then she'll 5 and then 6....she volunteers that to everyone who will listen).
Gramma's Birthday Brownie to Autumn
Daddy and Bridget Sitting Side-by-side
Monkey Party Games
"Autumn is 4. I'm very smart for my size."
Not a good picture of me, but it is such a rare event I figured I'd post it anyway.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

I'm Amazed

I have seen enough in life, that there are few that surprise me. They may disappoint me or warm my heart or make me shake my head, but I've read enough news and seen enough crazy antics that the shock factor has greatly diminished.

Of course, all of this to say a few things have taken me by surprise of late. Like exactly how much weight my baby cupcake has packed on in just two short months. She is already 14 lb 5 oz! I never thought I would be so successful at breastfeeding or that my kids had it in them to be so plump and juicy. I am also still in mild shock over how easygoing she is. She sleeps like no child of mine ever has. Yesterday she got her 2 month vaccines and was irritable for about an hour that afternoon. It was the longest she has been fussy her whole life (with the exception of the torture that is the car). I was surprised at how much I missed her smiles when they returned later that evening.

I am also amazed at just how many bad things can happen to one family in a single year. I had visions of what life could be like this year....I'd graduate from school and then we'd be two-income earning family again. We would finally have time and money to have a baby, find our family and friends in good health, sign the girls up for sports and dance, buy a bigger car, maybe put a deck in the "backyard", get a cafe table for the kitchen so that all of us have a place to sit, a new wardrobe for Brian, and gasp....maybe even a family vacation to somewhere we've never been before. Needless to say, I wouldn't be blogging this if it had all come true.

The material things like cars and furniture are really meaningles when you put things in perspective. The vision quickly changed when Brian lost his job. The economy continued a downward spiral that has made it a challenge to find work in this town. Far too many friends and family have fallen ill or passed away this year. Brian is away this very moment at his grandmother's funeral. Cars have been totalled, marriages have fallen apart, housing prices have plummetted.

The truly amazing thing is how resilient I have discovered I can be and I've learned not to stress about the little things. So we are wedged into our car like just keeps us close and at least I have a car. Our home value is in the toilet, but I love my house and it's big enough and I don't have to move any time soon. I secured a new grad nurse job amidst a hiring freeze and will work every weekend night if that is what I have to do to help keep this family afloat. Brian has relentlessly job hunted, received freelance work from generous friends and colleaugues all while being stay-at-home-dad while I finished up school. I appreciate that life can be simple again..who needs fancy sports leagues and expensive clubs when I've got playdates and sports equipment. We can teach the girls soccer ourselves and I love turning our living room into an impromptu dance club, "Say, Hey". We are a stronger family for our struggles.

I am thankful that we did, in fact, have a healthy baby girl added to our family. And even though we've survived this year, I look forward to the day that life is a little more secure, a little easier and a little roomier. When that day comes, I will be amazed.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Blog or FB

FB has created conflict for this blog. To post pics here or to FB. I do like to tell a story with my pics, which makes me want to post them here. But my FB friends that aren't clamoring to write this web address into their computer wouldn't get any peaks at the kiddos. I hate to post the same pics to both places, but let's be really only want the best of the best immortalized on the web. I hate to play favorites and pic one audience as the more deserving of cute pictures. Admittedly, my FB friends are more boisterous commenters than the lurkers on this blog. Yes, I have heard that there are readers out there. Do not be afraid to post a comment. Really, it isn't painful and you can't hurt my feelings. Oh, the dilemma. Chances are it will not resolved any time soon, so without further adieu, here are some pics.

The girls wanted to be Kit Kittredge for Halloween this year. If you are not familiar with the Amercian Girl doll, here's a picture:

Kit Kittredge Dress (made by yours truly for $6 with fabric, fabric glue and a zipper)

Abigail as Kit, Complete with News Article

Brian and Abigail Carving a Pumpkin Carriage

Autumn with her Glass Slipper Pumpkin

Autumn as Kit Kittredge--not wanting her picture taken

Pumpkin Baby

Tummy Time

Autumn actually wanted me to take her picture, incredible.
Craft Head