Monday, January 18, 2010

Pt Report

HPI: 33 YO G3P3 with exhaustion and fatigue througout the last year brought on by completion of grad school, pregnancy and childbirth, husband lost steady job 11 months ago, starting full-time work in December, and juggling household. Children ages 6, 4, and 4 months.

N: pt irritable at times. Difficult to relax and brain "never stops thinking". Increased anxiety related to sleep in fear of night feedings and fear of sleeping through alarm. Stressed over the need to get a handle on the children's toys overtaking the home. Temp- returning to normal after a bitter cold winter.

R: check

CV: in need of cardio workout to relieve stress and get fit. Meds: vitamins and calcium supplements. No caffeine.

GI/GU: insufficient intake to meet with demands of working and breastfeeding. Increased weight loss in the last month. However, pt reports eating too many cookies. Educate on healthy on eating.

SKIN: increased acne and paleness. Need to spend more time feeling the warm sun on skin.

SOCIAL: supportive husband and family. Interactions with friends has been less than desired due to blizzard, holidays and new work schedule. Pt looking forward to going out this weekend with a friend and settling into a routine in the near future.

1 comment:

Da Doo Run Run said...

Very clever, Nurse Murphy. I am glad you are getting out this weekend. Sounds like you could really use a break.