Saturday, February 20, 2010

Trying to Find the Balance

It's been a crazy couple of weeks, but that's nothing new. But that's the problem. I have been trying my darndest to accept the chaos as my new norm. It certainly doesn't seem like life is going to settle out any time soon, so how do I find my comfort zone again?

Work has been emotional and in the last two weeks I could tack on a sequel to "Adventures in Pumping" entitled " Physiological Needs: Work is So Crazy-Busy There is No Time to Eat, Pee or Pump". Throw in a snow storm, school closed for two weeks, more or less and I'm all out of wack. I thrive on routines and structure and I'm clawing my way up the mountain in hopes of finding them at the top.

I know it isn't just me. The kids are learning to find a new balance with me gone at work and not around to do little things only mommy can do. Brian is also trying to find his new balance with the extra responsibilities .The kids are having fun with all the little things only daddy can do. But I miss the balance. I miss having time to get the house organized and clean. I miss having time to relax with a book; holding a list with everything marked off. Maybe that's just the new norm with three kids, including a newborn, a full-time job, and the innate need to be a control-freak.

From now on, I suppose I just have to gently remind myself that I can only do so much, not everyone's needs need to be met by me, and the snow will melt eventually. Until then, maybe I'll just keep the closet doors closed a little tighter to hide the clutter. No one else seems to be bothered by it, so why should I.

Wish me luck

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