Saturday, December 27, 2008


Christmas was a delight. The girls were crazy monkeys all day, but I think they enjoyed it. They were back to normal yesterday, thank goodness. We enjoyed presents, family, and the joy of the season. Even sitting here now, I hear the girls reminding each other "Santa is watching". Too cute. They have spent hours playing with their toys and each other upstairs in their "house". It is just a lot of fun. Here are a couple of pictures.
Abigail opening a gift.
Books with our names in them
Pillow Storybooks
My own LeapPad
Snow Queen
Me and Brian

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I'll Give it a Whirl

I am very excited about Christmas tomorrow. The tree is beautiful and the girls are excited. We've enjoyed several gatherings and gift exchanges. Now it's time to cozy up at home and watch the joyous events unfold. I have made it my mission to blissfully ignore reality for the week and have enjoyed reading and playing during my vacation. Reality will slowly resurface next week and then be back full force starting the 5th. Until then, may I pass along all of my holiday cheer and relaxation. You've earned it.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Not Feeling Bloggy

Being done with the semester, I am indulging in more non-computery type leisure activities. I've read a novel and a half, baked cookies, wrapped presents, get my point. Not that my days aren't eventful, I am just not inspired to document them for my tiny handful of groupies. I'm sure to post as we indulge in exciting holiday festivities, but I make no promises.

Happy Holidays to All and a Happy New Year.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Brief Overview of Badness

Brian blogged this in more detail on his blog, so I will be brief. Don't feel like investing anymore time on it.

1) Brian got laid off. We have money coming in through late winter, but it still sucks.
2) Brian's hard drive crashed, as did the backup hard drive.
3) We had to buy a new computer (fancy enough to finish off the job that he is being laid off from).
4) Got a bad grade on my Epi final and the teacher is slow to respond (rather I'm impatient).

So, Brian has had his job for 8 years. It allows him to work from home. He gets to meet Abigail at the bus every afternoon and chat over snack time. There is always someone home if an appliance needs to be repaired. And the best, Brian and I get to enjoy lunch dates and morning coffee. BUT, I am optimistic that there is enough time for us to find something new, and not just any old job, a great job.

As for my stinking bad grade, I never trust online exams. Not because they can't be reliable, but because they haven't been reliable during this program. I aced that final, so I have a lot digging to do to figure out what went wrong. Did she post another student's grade, did the computer stop accepting answers after a certain point. Who knows. Tired of having to be so proactive just to get shit done.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Cutie Pies

Every year there is an annual Gingerbread House competition in town. We go and see the talented gingerbread artist and the girls visit with Santa. No mall lines, no fees to take pictures, just getting a mom and pop shot of your kid chatting it up with Santa.
Last week we made our own "gingerbread" house out of rice krispie treats. Honestly, there was no time for me to bake, all the premade kits are manufactured with nuts, and rice krispies are quick and very maleable. I did the names, but the girls did the was messy and it was a lot of fun.

A Delicious Work in Progress

The Final Product

Signed, Abigail and Autumn (in pink, of course)

After going to visit Santa today, we asked Abigial what she thought of Santa Claus. She said, "He has a really long beard. He's a cutie pie. I want to marry him." It's just never who I imagined she'd end up with. Both the girls were so excited to see him and Mrs. Claus. As soon as we left Autumn said, "I miss Santa Claus." Here are some pics of the girls with the cutie pie.

Abigail and Santa Claus

Autumn and Santa in Matching Outfits

And, the ultimate cutie pie was seen when the girls got to meet their newest cousin (whom they believe would make a great stocking stuffer). Autumn was a little afraid, you would have thought she was in the room with a dog. She warmed up to him, but was too nervous to "hold" him (hence the leaping from my lap in the pic).

Abigail and Quinn

Autumn Taking a Curious Look While Brian Holds His Nephew

Autumn, myself, my BIL (the proud papa), Quinn, and Abigail

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Back to Work

I enjoyed my unexpected mini-vacation, but now it's time to get my nose back in the books.

But first, here's a picture of my new nephew. Quinn Bernard Murphy was born yesterday to two amazing and proud parents, Kevin and Grier. And an extra star for Grier for giving birth sans medication. She had an amazing support system and deserves a big long nap.

Quinn and Uncle Brian

And now I should pay attention to lecture or clean up my presentation for next class. Decisions, decisions.