Saturday, December 06, 2008

Cutie Pies

Every year there is an annual Gingerbread House competition in town. We go and see the talented gingerbread artist and the girls visit with Santa. No mall lines, no fees to take pictures, just getting a mom and pop shot of your kid chatting it up with Santa.
Last week we made our own "gingerbread" house out of rice krispie treats. Honestly, there was no time for me to bake, all the premade kits are manufactured with nuts, and rice krispies are quick and very maleable. I did the names, but the girls did the was messy and it was a lot of fun.

A Delicious Work in Progress

The Final Product

Signed, Abigail and Autumn (in pink, of course)

After going to visit Santa today, we asked Abigial what she thought of Santa Claus. She said, "He has a really long beard. He's a cutie pie. I want to marry him." It's just never who I imagined she'd end up with. Both the girls were so excited to see him and Mrs. Claus. As soon as we left Autumn said, "I miss Santa Claus." Here are some pics of the girls with the cutie pie.

Abigail and Santa Claus

Autumn and Santa in Matching Outfits

And, the ultimate cutie pie was seen when the girls got to meet their newest cousin (whom they believe would make a great stocking stuffer). Autumn was a little afraid, you would have thought she was in the room with a dog. She warmed up to him, but was too nervous to "hold" him (hence the leaping from my lap in the pic).

Abigail and Quinn

Autumn Taking a Curious Look While Brian Holds His Nephew

Autumn, myself, my BIL (the proud papa), Quinn, and Abigail

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