Thursday, October 08, 2009

A Moment of Thanks

I realize my life wouldn't be nearly as fun, relaxing, or enriched if it weren't for my husband. For starters, he was the bomb during grad school (both times). Especially this latest round that required juggling of children and schedules and money and craziness. He was super awesome labor support. This past 5 weeks (has it really been 5 weeks since Bridget was born?!), he has been super dad getting the eldest off to the bus stop in the AM and taking the middle one to speech on Thursdays. This has netted me an extra hour of sleep every day, for which we are all thankful. A tired cranky mom makes for a tired cranky house. I also want to thank Bridget for being such a fantabulous crib sleeper.

Brian also helped me rearrange the guest room and the girls' rooms yesterday after the clutter was driving me batty. I know it wasn't on his Top 10 list of fun things to do on a Wednesday afternoon, but he did it without complaint. We threw away a ton of toys, set Abigail up with a distraction-free homework station, and garnered the big girls more play space in their shared room. There is no way I could lifted and pushed around that much furniture, but my sanity has been saved.


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