Sunday, November 01, 2009

Blog or FB

FB has created conflict for this blog. To post pics here or to FB. I do like to tell a story with my pics, which makes me want to post them here. But my FB friends that aren't clamoring to write this web address into their computer wouldn't get any peaks at the kiddos. I hate to post the same pics to both places, but let's be really only want the best of the best immortalized on the web. I hate to play favorites and pic one audience as the more deserving of cute pictures. Admittedly, my FB friends are more boisterous commenters than the lurkers on this blog. Yes, I have heard that there are readers out there. Do not be afraid to post a comment. Really, it isn't painful and you can't hurt my feelings. Oh, the dilemma. Chances are it will not resolved any time soon, so without further adieu, here are some pics.

The girls wanted to be Kit Kittredge for Halloween this year. If you are not familiar with the Amercian Girl doll, here's a picture:

Kit Kittredge Dress (made by yours truly for $6 with fabric, fabric glue and a zipper)

Abigail as Kit, Complete with News Article

Brian and Abigail Carving a Pumpkin Carriage

Autumn with her Glass Slipper Pumpkin

Autumn as Kit Kittredge--not wanting her picture taken

Pumpkin Baby

Tummy Time

Autumn actually wanted me to take her picture, incredible.
Craft Head


Unknown said...

I'm one of the many silent lurkers on your site. I absolutely LOVE the stories and the pictures, but...I'm not one that usually makes comments on a public website. Let us know if you're going to shut this down, and - I'll sign up for FB.
Great pictures of the family!!!

Kerri said...

Don't worry Sally. There is NO threat of this site shutting down. My plight was only where to post pics. I will continue posting on both sites, but I will likely still post more pics to FB.