Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Religion vs Morals

I read a commentary in the local paper a couple of weeks ago that sparked a conversation between me and Brian. We discussed it again with a family friend that was visiting this weekend.

I can't find the article to find a direct quote, but the jist was this: The more religion has been removed from the classroom, the less moral generations of children have become. Brian and I recognize that this is part of an age old phenomenon at work. The older generations always look at the younger generation as being wilder, more confrontational and always challenging authority. "Kids grow up so much faster these days, " they might say. That may or may not be true, but this author attributes the downward spiral to a lack of religious influence.

Now, I am not going to argue that religions don't teach their followers morals. Do you really think I want to part with my $50 that easily? But the loud implication is that one can not be moral without the framework of religion to guide them or scare them into submission. Take your pick. I believe people are inherently good. I do believe in being good for goodness sake.

I am more motivated by my belief that my time on Earth is the only chance I've got. I am not being a moral person because of secret prize at the end. I am moral because it is the right thing to do, it betters the society in which I live, and there are no second chances. A lack of religion isn't leading to immoral behavior, a lack of morals is.

While religion may not be infused with our school system, that does not mean parents can't pass along these values at home. Our children are far more influenced by their families, than they are by their education. Besides, the older generations shouldn't place blame for the failings of the younger generation on the schools or religion before reflecting upon the role they contributed to how our generation turned out.

Makes me wonder what lessons will stick and won't stick to my kids over the years, despite my best intentions.


Lindsey Andreotta said...

Well said Kerri!

Da Doo Run Run said...

You know how I feel on religion, so I think you will take this into consideration knowing that I totally agree with you, but there is something that gives me pause. It is my personal belief that it is the breakdown of the family that has caused many of the moral problems we see today, and some would argue that the breakdown of the family is due to the fact that people no longer have religion the way they used to. Not sure this is the case, but it is an interesting thought to ponder. I have always felt that if everyone just remembered the Golden Rule, the world would be a better place. That's really the only religion I need. Would you want someone to do such and such to you or someone you love? No? Then don't do it. Period. Would you want someone to help you if you were in such and such situation? Yes? Then help. Simple, isn't it?

T. said...

It's more complex than just religion. In fact, we succeed in spite of religion.

Gays... the molested... and the unwed mother want their worth back.