Sunday, April 04, 2010

Loving Light and Life

I am back on days and loving every daylight minute of it. I know I will have to do my fair share of nights, but I really am a dayshift person. At the end of the month, I just found I didn't click with anyone on nights. They are all friendly enough, just no one I could relate to. I also found the culture to be so different from days. I'd rather spend my down time at work talking about ways to improve the unit or better understand the pathophysiology of one of my patients, rather than surf the web.

But the best part is feeling awake. I've been having fun hanging out with the kids. I went to the gym last week and tried a Body Pump class. Every muscle in my arms and legs is throbbing. It's awesome.

Bridget is 7 months old today. I can not believe how quickly the time has passed. She is just adorable. She's still a plump little cupcake. She can roll, but isn't overly motivated to so very often. She can hold herself up a little, but seems pretty content to just lay like broccoli. She doesn't have teeth yet, but it's all fine by me. She will achieve her milestones when she is good and ready to. On the plus side, she is quite a sleeper. We put her to bed last night at 6 pm and she didn't wake up untill 9:30 this morning! She woke once halfway through for a snack and that was it. I don't know what we did to deserve such an easygoing niblet.

Autumn is so funny and downright gorgeous. You can't tell me your not jealous of that hair? She giggles over everything. She's getting more confident in herself, but is more than happy to snuggle up on my lap.

Abigail is smart. Getting a little too smart for her britches. She learned that plasma was the fourth state of matter when she was watching a Star Wars Technology show on the history channel. They discussed that it could only be found in stars. The timing was apropos, considering they were just learning about states of matter in school. She told everyone she ran into about plasma. I'm glad that she still thinks learning is cool and fun.

This warm and sunny weather certainly has given me a more optimistic outlook than my life deserves right now. We're still holding out hope for Brian to find steady work in the immediate future, but we are handling it all well. I'd even go so far as to say we are beyond merely surviving. We live a little and actually like it.
sorry peeps. the plan was to have pics of the whole family, but posting pics with blogspot sucks. they were all uploaded after two attempts, then they wouldn't drag to the right spots, then i think i accidentally deleted one. enjoy what did get posted. i guess that's what FB is for.

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