Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Saga Continues

You know, every time I think I've gotten into a routine again, life decides I need things shaken up a bit. The last post was all sunshine and roses. Not that life is a pile of garbage right now, but I certainly don't smell daisy fresh.

Bridget has been having eating issues. This has led to a decreased milk supply which has led to omitting solids and me taking fenugreek, alfalfa, and blessed thistle, feeding the baby every 2 hours around the clock which has led to a baby that doesn't want to sleep through the night anymore which has led to a very sleepy mom and dad. I'm pretty sure my milk is back up. I'll be able to quantify it on Monday when I work, but hopefully all the extreme measures have paid off. If not, I think I will have to throw in the hat and give this kid formula. I am not a breast-only crazy woman, but 1) I really don't want to spend money on formula, 2) I enjoy breastfeeding. Even when I'm stressed over finding time to pump at work, I find it is a way to stay connected to my family and keep things in perspective, 3) I just need to feel like I have control over something.

After buying a new TV for the one that pooped out on us unexpectedly last month, we have since had the pleasure of paying to have our A/C repaired and a new set of tires put on the VUE. No control.

And now I'm in the thick of birthday season. It's nice to balance all the craziness with something fun. I can not believe my oldest is going to be 7 years old! I also can not believe that I will be hosting my second Star Wars party, this year with a Legos twist. I was all ready to make a cool cake, but for the third year in a row she wants birthday brownies. More specifically, Bossk Brownies topped with Darth Vader Dark Chocolate Sundaes. Who am I to argue. At least it's nice to be in control of something again. Wish us luck for party success.

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