Monday, May 10, 2010

The Holiday Season

I know Thanksgiving and Christmas come to mind for most when they hear holiday season. In this house, May 4-June 25 is our second holiday season. We have, so far, celebrated Abigial's 7th birthday and Mother's Day. We still have my birthday, Brian's birthday and Father's Day to go. This year graduation and the end of orientation are thrown in for good measure. I have decided to not walk at graduation. Too anti-climactic, since I graduated last August and I'd just like to have one less thing to do. Point is moot now since I am working that weekend.

The last few weeks have been fun. Abigail celebrated her birthday Star Wars Legos style. For pics of the action you can check out Brian's blog ( Then I enjoyed the most decadent Mother's Day. Brian raises the bar every year and fears the year he won't be able to live up to his reputation. Nonsense. He will always out do himself. The celebration started when I got home from work to find sidewalk chalk all over the driveway shouting "Happy Mother's Day". Despite the hopes to sleep in, a 6:30 phone call from work woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep. Scheduling snafu, figures. Since we were up, Brian grabbed me a delicious venti decaf skinny vanilla latte (yes, I'm one of those). He made pancakes, three kinds, presented an assortment of blueberry syrups, some pink donuts, and a blueberry scone...oh, and some turkey sausage. Do you feel like you need to go for a run yet?

But the celebrating didn't stop then. My mom and dad came down for a visit and we made seafood macaroni and cheese with a side of grilled peppers and asparagus. At this point, you should definitely go for a run because I'm going to need help working it all off.

I topped off the day by watching New Moon (one of the many gifts from Brian). Have no fear, Brian didn't steal the show. Autumn gave me a poem, a flower made from her handprints, and a potted plant (which I'm sure to kill by next week). Abigail also gave me a lima bean plant (black thumb here) and a poem she wrote by herself (special attention to line cracks me up):

I love my Mom!
Ask me why.
Because she is beautiful.
Because she is a great cook.
Because she is a nice nurse.
Because she has a smart husband.
Because she has three smiling children.
Becuase, Because, Because,
That's why I love my Mom!

Bridget couldn't make a poem or plant a flower, but she is scooting around backwards, demanding food with a pound of her little hand, and is pretty good at drinking water from a sippy cup.

I couldn't be more pround to be a mom and a wife. I am excited to celebrate another birthday and mark off another milestone in my new career as a nurse. If you are wondering why this entry is so long, it's because there just isn't time to spread the news out. It's all or nothing. I'm glad I've got it all.

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