Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So Far Behind

I'm hoping to get around to reading the Sunday paper tomorrow. By the time I find out what's on sale, it won't be on sale anymore. On the upside, I have completed my critical care rotation. I really enjoyed it. ICU is definitely for me, and after trying to roll over some of the patients, NICU is most definitely for me.

Abigail and Autumn also got another cousin yesterday. I won't post the particulars and steal baby mama's thunder, but the girls did get to see the new baby on Facebook. It must be a girl thing, they go gaga for babies. They will also get one more cousin this fall. It's like a mini baby windfall.

I'm off to watch Iron Man with Brian. Wish me luck.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sleep? Sleep? Anyone?

It should be illegal for a child to wake up before 6. I should be pleased. Autumn is waking up at 5 because she has to go to the bathroom. It is doubly official now, the kid is potty trained! Instead, I'm just sleepy (the chest cold really made it presence known after my indulgent evening of hot tubbing, wine drinking, and Grey's watching).

Wouldn't it be grand if children never woke before 7? I think when Abigail starting doing this, we taught her how to play quietly in her room until the clock said 7. Albeit, she was 6 months older than Autumn is now, so I don't know if I'll have much success. Does anyone have any tricks?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I just finished my first exam of the semester and I am pumped. It was fair and fun and I'm glad to finally feel a little more focused. Still dreading the papers, but reassured that I'm not a total flunky.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bodacious Brian

Today I got to sleep in and woke up to homemade pancakes, fresh coffee, clean dishes, a clean kitchen, a vacuumed house, and two little girls that shouted "I missed you, mommy". I ate my breakfast and everyone cleaned up the upstairs, put away clothes, cleaned bathrooms and bedrooms (Brian rocks!). Morning errands with no whining (one skinned knee-poor Abigail). The girls even showed off their yoga moves. I have a horrible chest cold, but the the whole family made the morning an absolute delight.

I finally have a couple of tests coming up. I've been having a hard time focusing on school and taking it "seriously". These tests should help motivate me to crack open a book. If I'm really motivated, hopefully I can get all four of my papers done by mid-October.

Autumn is actually asking to go take a nap. I shall not delay.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Painting Pictures

Wow, I probably should have posted these when we painted 2? 3 weeks ago? Better late than never. If you aren't interested in my wall color (and why would you?), this is going to be the most boring post ever.

Here is the inspiration for the color we have on the main level, plus the cinnamon spice goes nice with the cherry furniture. These curtains hang in the playroom and the living room.

We went for the same color in kitchen and the dining room. With the natural light in the kitchen, the color looks very different in each setting.

Did I mention how much I still love my kitchen? Best decision we ever made.

We went with a slate blue for the bedroom (looks powdery in the pic, though). The gray tones allow for a lot of flexibility with our bedding. We have a sage comforter and the blue one in the pic. It was just nice to have a constrast against the neutral curtains, finally.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Once Bitten

Our miniscule backyard is loaded with mosquitoes. I wasn't outside ten minutes playing parachute with the girls when I was so eaten alive we had to retreat. Boo.

On a tastier note, I woke up to pancakes and coffee after getting to sleep in until 9. Brian was awesome.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Good-bye Nursing School

Myspace Countdowns at WishAFriend.com

It's About Time

Has it really been over a week since I last posted?

I won't go over the whole week, but I am pleased to say I finally have a kick ass preceptor. Doesn't hurt that I'm back on a critical care unit. Acute care nursing is not for me, of that I am certain. The patients were lovely, the collaborative atmosphere was awesome, and the complexity of the diseases was intriguing. This is what it's all about. This is why I am putting up with the nursing school bullshit. Just 325 days to go!

Monday, September 01, 2008

A Quick Overview

We've been a busy bunch, so here are some bullets.
  • Brian, the Awesome, painted the living room, kitchen, and our bedroom. :)
  • Autumn is potty training and doing really great. Still working on that poop part. yuck
  • Every one on this Earth is having a boy! I can rattle off at least one friend having a boy sometime between last month and January. That is 8 boys. Let me know if I need to make it 9.
  • Got sucked into Facebook. A time suck, but what else are you suppose to do during class?
  • Finally got Brian to start watching Weeds. I can not believe I am compelled to rewatch all the episodes with him (I've already got 3 seasons under my belt).
  • One Tree Hill and Prison Break start tonight!!!