Monday, September 01, 2008

A Quick Overview

We've been a busy bunch, so here are some bullets.
  • Brian, the Awesome, painted the living room, kitchen, and our bedroom. :)
  • Autumn is potty training and doing really great. Still working on that poop part. yuck
  • Every one on this Earth is having a boy! I can rattle off at least one friend having a boy sometime between last month and January. That is 8 boys. Let me know if I need to make it 9.
  • Got sucked into Facebook. A time suck, but what else are you suppose to do during class?
  • Finally got Brian to start watching Weeds. I can not believe I am compelled to rewatch all the episodes with him (I've already got 3 seasons under my belt).
  • One Tree Hill and Prison Break start tonight!!!

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