Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Autumn

A trip down memory lane. Three years ago, I woke up at 4AM with contractions. No need to wake up the house quite so early, so I decided to squeeze in one more episode of ER that I had tivo-ed. Within two hours, I realized this was not going to be as liesurely as my first 19.5 hour labor. My midwife said I could relieve back labor if I got down on all fours and arched my back like a cat. Abigail thought this was a great game...mom is on all fours so that I can climb on her back..woo hoo. Still in mom mode, I try to convince Abigail to be a cat, too. Not so convincing. All the while, Brian is thinking he has time to do the dishes and take out the garbage. At any other time this would be awesome, but I seriously wanted to find a spot to labor closer to the hospital. Off to the in-laws who live a stones throw from the hospital. Again, I was barely five hours into labor, surely I had at least seven more to go, right? At the in-laws for all of 10 minutes before I realized the hospital is calling my name. Finally get to the hospital, hand off Abigail, cave and get the epidural only to find out I am fully dilated. At this point, the epidural is too effective and I have to wait for it to wear off to push. In no time flat, she was out and had a perfectly round head. Baby Autumn Sage.

Not a baby anymore. I can not believe Autumn is THREE!! She was so excited for her party that she woke up bouncing. We had a wonderful morning with friends and I'm constantly amazed at how independent she is getting.
I'm Three!

Girls Love Pretty Jewelry

Me on My Big Girl Bike
More big news. Abigial lost her first tooth this morning eating a piece of cinnamon bread.
The tooth fairy pillow I made her last week.

1 comment:

Da Doo Run Run said...