Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Slacker, but Not Really

Wow, I didn't realize until today that my last post appeared twice. Why would it do such a thing when I clearly had nothing to say? Silly blog. (of course, I deleted the error, so you might just think I'm talking trash...but I'm not.)

I've had the worst head/chest cold that will not vacate the premises. That coupled with successfully getting school work done has left me little time or desire to post. To boost my spirits, I will off a bunch of school things you don't care about but I do: I've finished critiquing 7 papers for my Epidemiology class. Informative, but so glad I'm not a teacher. Finished up my arguments and rebuttals for my Ethics debate (to selectively reduce or not selectively reduce a pregnancy, that is the question). I have completed my handout/presentation for Psych. If you want a quick overview of resources available for postpartum depression in my town, I've got a handout for you. I am now down to four finals, one of which I should be working on right now. I'm dragging my feet because, seriously people, exams should not require references. I thought I was done writing papers this semester. A little fruit and fiber and hopefully I will be done with that exam by the weekend.

So, I guess I'm feeling accomplished. I see the end of the semester and don't feel like I will be burning the midnight oil to get it all done in time. Now I'm focusing on the fun holiday season. The gingerbread display is right around the corner, the Nutcracker ballet, Christmas music, tree-trimming, and maybe I'll even make a new stocking. The possibilities are endless.

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