Friday, January 16, 2009

Bye, Bye Broccoli

Seems the baby has fallen out of favor with broccoli...too sweet. I know, weird stuff happens when you're pregnant.

The semester has started off in shear chaos. I think after the first couple of week, the schedule will be more predictable and I'll feel more in my comfort zone. I was hoping to start clinical next week, but because of my personal schedule and my class schedule and my preceptors' schedule, I will be jumping in with two overnight shifts this weekend. I try to keep weekends family time as much as possible. Plus, I prefer to avoid single parenting scenarios when we pay a good deal of money in childcare. I have every confidence in Brian being single dad (I wouldn't have gotten this far in the program if I didn't), I just prefer we share the job whenever possible.

Scheduling stress aside, I am really excited to get back into the NICU. It was only my second clinical ever and I am very excited to revisit it with all the new skills and confidence I've acquired since then. Admittedly, I'm a litte intimidated, but I know I can do it. I'll resurface next week, I hope.

1 comment:

Da Doo Run Run said...

I am so uber excited for you getting back into the NICU. I can't wait to hear/read all about it.