Thursday, January 01, 2009

A Fresh Start

Well, 2008 ended on a sour note for the Murphy family, but that's not to say the whole year was a bust. I am 2/3 of the way done with school. Abigail started Kindergarten, learned how to swim, learned to eat a cheeseburger, and is an excellent reader. Autumn learned how to talk (mostly), she is potty-trained (a diaper-free home!), and she graduated out of the crib to a twin bed. Brian and I enjoyed an anniversary vacation complete with winery tours. Both of our cars are paid off and only required minor repairs. We still love our home and enjoy that it's brand-newness means no repairs. We certainly can't complain that gas prices went down (I won't even think about our retirement account or home value that are surely reduced to pennies). Our final thrill of 2008 is that Autumn learned how to have quiet time in the morning. Even though the girls wake up at 6 most days, they play quietly together in their rooms until their tummies insist we wake up around 7:30. While the job loss and hard drive crash have overshadowed the goodness of 2008 in the 11th hour, we do have a lot more than most, we have our home, our health and our family. I guess all in all, 2008 just continued to remind us that it's the little things in life that are most important and that it's a good time to get rid of the excess and keep it simple.

I could focus on the negative, but I choose not to. I have a lot to be thankful for.

I wish everyone a healthy, happy, and fulfilling 2009!

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