Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oh, To Be a Stress-Free 10 Week Fetus Again.

I can not believe I posted yesterday. Seems like a lifetime ago. County schools were closed and felt totally unmotivated (and honestly had no time) to get any school work work done. I feel overwhelmed with clinical hours that I can not seem to complete because of scheduling, assignments I can not begin because they are not clearly explained or we have not covered the material enough for me to have a clue, wishing I could see the future and know that Brian would have X job making Y money by Z date, and feeling helpless to contribute beyond clipping coupons and conserving electricity. Enough of the woe is me crap.

This is week 10 for my embryo (soon to be fetus by the end of the week). Here's what the littlest murph looks like, in theory.
I'm recovering from a bit of a GI illness that hit over the weekend. Now I'm not sure if it's moved on and I just feel yucky pregnancy hormones, or if a bit of it is lingering. Hard to say. Just ordered some pregnancy scrubs online. I'm sure I could have just bought scrubs one size up, but I do not feel like fighting with drawstring pants that slip every time you move. Took forever to find a site that wasn't going to cost me as much in shipping as it was to buy the pants. Can you believe this town employs thousands of nurses and their is only one store that offers a piddly selection of scrubs? not a single one being of the maternity variety?
(blogspot refuses to let a line break appear here)
Well, I won't hear about my new job until at least the end February. I'm optimistic because I've talked to every NICU manager I can find at the hospital and made it very clear that I am qualified and eager to be on their unit. Of course, given the economy, even nurses are losing jobs. The NICU brought in 11 people last year and will only be budgeting for 4-6 this year. Hospital-wide, people are holding off on elective procedures because they can't afford them. Fewer people are having kids because of financial concerns (I don't blame them, kids are expensive), therefore fewer end up on the NICU. The world is a very, very connected place.

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