Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I Am Alphabet Soup

It's official, I am a nurse.

After completing the NCLEX, a test almost as ridiculous as the scenario portion of the CNL exam, I have completed the last step in becoming a registered nurse. Liscencing complete. I wish I could say that I will get a break from learning all sorts of new things, but I will likely spend the first year of my career becoming familiar with my patient population and aquiring all the skills that go along with caring for them. While I am grateful that the learning never ends, it will be nice to go to a job with some level of comfort in regards to my duties that day. It's exhausting when you are in learning mode 24-7 like I have been the last couple of years.

But, I am going to enjoy the hell out of the next couple of months that I have home with the little ladies. I don't have school or tests hanging over my head and I can just sit back and enjoy this time.

Thank you all for the support and enouragement during this adventure. I certainly could not have done it without lots of help, patience and understanding from friends and family.

And now I can sign my name as:

Mrs. Kerri Murphy, BS, MFS, MSN, RN, CNL, MOM

But at the end of the day I'm just the same old Kerri you have known and loved for years.

1 comment:

Da Doo Run Run said...

You are an inspiration, my friend!!!!!