Friday, May 22, 2009

Desire Escaped Me

Well, I meant to get back to posting about my birthday extravaganza, but did not feel compelled to blog anything. Too much school, no job, no vacation stresses. But, I did have a delightful birthday. A visit from my mom was enjoyable and she stuffed us with lots of delicious food. A birthday gift from her included a trip for Brian and I to the Melting Pot. Delicious. If you've never been, you are missing out. Top it off with sushi (no raw fish, of course) and Belgian pecan waffles and I may as well count on gaining 5 pounds this month. Brian got me lovely gifts, including maternity tops, movies, music, carrot cake and unconditional love.

Now, it's back to reality. I have spent the last 5 days attending class, working on my Capstone project, 24 hours of clinical, 2 assignments, and many school related emails. I'm am feeling a slight bit of relief knowing that I can cram in a bunch of clinical hours over the next few weeks in hopes of getting my hours completed around the first week of July. With the burgeoning belly, I will do just about anything to get this requirement off my shoulders. It is far easier to stand on your feet for 12 hours the smaller the belly is. Given that I am in the NICU, I am no stranger to concept of premature labor. Two post-term pregnancies is no guarantee it can't happen to me. So, I will try to get as much done as early as possible. On the plus side, I get to walk around the unit and see how big my baby is it weren't contained in my womb. It's amazing.

Brian is still on the job hunt and is juggling the children excellently while I am fully immersed in finishing up this degree. Hopefully everything will work out soon and we can just enjoy being an employed family. I know money isn't everything, but those pesky bills seem to feel otherwise. I would have no trouble paying in hugs or cuteness.

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