Tuesday, May 05, 2009

What a Week

To save time, my week will be summed up in pictures and bullets.
  • I was on a cooking frenzy: cinnamon muffins for Teacher Treats Day, dinner for a friend in need, sugar cookies for classmates, brownies for Abigail's party, Rice Krispie Treats for Abigail's class....

  • All of the girls' clothes were organized by age (0 months-7 years)...we could open our own boutique!
  • Classes were completed on Thursday with a presentation. Woo Hoo!
  • To celebrate I got a "warning" ticket for parking over the "stall lines". $45 dollars when cars were able to park on either side of mine and no one had to squeeze to get into or out of the car....

  • We set up bunk beds for the girls and reorganized their newly shared room.

  • The nursery is still a work in progress.

  • According to Abigail (and all of her teachers), she had the most awesomest 6th birthday party-May the Force be With Her. (Note to self: boys are WAY more active than girls)

  • We enjoyed a visit from my friend from high school. It was lovely to catch up with her and her husband and the girls were absolute dolls.

  • Autumn and I took Abigail a Happy Meal as a special birthday lunch. Abigail is not a shy child and took full advantage of the fact that the Asst. Prinicpal was willing to lead the cafeteria in singing Happy Birthday to her.

  • Torturous, I know, but Abigail had to have her allergist appointment on her birthday. Starting tomorrow we Abigail will be start integrating Abigail into the mainstream nutty tables.

Pin the Explosion on the Spaceship

Party Game: Hot Asteroid with Star Wars Music

Clone Trooper Abigail and her Birthday Brownie

Time to Blow Out the Candles

Decoration Station

Autumn Decorating with a Little Help from Dad

The Girls (the boys are playing in the background)

Gift Helper Autumn with A Humongous Bag

The Birthday Girl with One of her Many New Lego Sets

Autumn was a Trooper with all the Attention Showered on Abigail
(She also has crazy hair)

The New Bunkbeds

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