Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Almost the End of an Era

So today kicks off my class's final presentations. It feels so great to being so close to the end. The irony isn't lost on me that I am scheduled to present on the very last day, only third from the end. I will also be 36 and 5 days pregnant at the time. Not presenting today instead of Friday was really going to buy me that much time, but still. I'm kind of excited to present because I dug deep and got creative with PowerPoint. The audience will be amazed.

As for the rest of life, I have been obsessively reading the Twilight series (I resisted as long as I could and I've fallen into the trap with the rest of you). I am currently craving my habit while I wait for a friend of a neighbor to drop off the last two books. The library wait is 35 deep and I can't justify buying the books on our budget. Withdrawal sucks.

Our family of four is soon to be a family of five. I had another midwife appointment on Monday. Abigail shared with her her overwhelming Star Wars knowledge. It was very cute. Baby is kicking up a storm and I don't think she really gets the whole "fetal position" thing. I think she prefers jumping jacks.

I realized today that I've got 3.5 weeks left +/- 2 if I go to term. That means I could be just 10 days away from delivering!!! Given my track record, I'm thinking I probably have 39 days left, but anything is possible. I have also hit the weight that I was at when I delivered the other two. I always had a theory that, despite starting off ten pounds lighter with this pregnancy, my body was going to strive to hit the same maximum density. I guess my body is being an over-achiever this time around because I think it will break it's record by a couple of pounds. Dandy. Just don't leave any stretch marks and I'll forgive you.

Lucky for me, the nursery is all ready to go. We are just reusing all of Autumn's stuff, so it really was an easy feat. Thanks go out to all my classmates that threw me (and my two other pregnant classmates) a baby shower last weekend. Diapers galore...I'm in heaven. Now I've just got to pack my overnight bag for the hospital and look into pre-registering. Who wants to get to the hospital 8 cm dilated and then find out they have to fill out a bunch of paperwork.

Well, all that's left is picking out a name for this little lady. We promise we will have a name. Even if we miraculously agree on something a week before the baby gets here, we're not telling. You'll just have to wait like everyone else. Can't wait to see what the future holds.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Post-Secret Inverted

So, I got tagged by my SIL to do this little meme. I'm not sure I can come up with 20, but I will give it my best. In short, I will list some of my thoughts and feelings about someone without mentioning who they are directed to. She described it much more eloquently than I am, so I will quote her, "Basically, you list 20 things you would love to say to various people in your life, without attaching names or context ."

Praises may be spoken aloud more often than grievances, but I still don't think they are said nearly enough.

1. I don't like it when you take credit for my accomplishments. I'm not saying you haven't contributed, but you are not the only one who could have helped me get to where I am today.

2. It's not always about you.

3. Spending time with you is always a blast. It's like we're kindred spirits. Know that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to because you are smart, funny, and kind.

4. You may be strong willed, but you challenge me daily and I am better for it.

5. Your generosity and sweetness is something I strive to achieve. If everyone were like you the world would be a much better place.

6. There's too much history to toss it all aside, despite that I regularly feel like I give more than I get. I know you are going through a tough time, but is there ever a time that you're not?

7. We may have very different personalities, but we agree on the important stuff and that is what makes our relationship so rich and balanced.

8. To each his own. I am not judging you. If you feel judged, then maybe you are not comfortable with yourself or your choices.

9. I know behind your actions are always good intentions. If you were upfront about them, then I wouldn't feel like you were trying to steal my power.

10. How did you get so jaded and cynical? Life isn't always easy, but good or bad this is life. Make the most of it and appreciate what you have or you will die having done nothing and being miserable the whole time.

11. It's not always your way or my way. There are many ways, neither right nor wrong, and that is okay.

Well, 11 will have to do. I have to get lunch ready for the girls and this can be quite time consuming. I think just about all of those apply to more than one person. If you think it isn't about you, it probably is. If you think it is about you, you're probably right because I've probably said directly to you. Does this post make me sound bitter or content? It is what it is, I suppose.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I can not believe there is only 16 days, 10 hours, and 45 minutes left until nursing school is over.

I can not believe that there is only ~40 days until our new baby girl arrives (and we still don't have a name).

I can not believe I will not receive my summer financial aid before my last day of class.

I can not believe how hard it is to find a job in this economy, but us Murphys are a strong and persistent people.

I can not believe how often I have to pee. My bladder will be happen to no longer be a punching bag.

I can not believe that I wouldn't be upset if this baby came a week or two early so that I can spend extra time with her and be less miserable. I love being pregnant, why is it less fun this time?

I can not believe how excited the girls get when I blow a bubble with gum. If only I was so easily amused.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Don't Stereotype...It's Not the Hormones

***ignore the formating, i've tried to fix it at least 5 times and damn blogspot keeps omitting my spacing. Just add it to the rant***
No doubt, life of late has been a little stressful. School, unemployment, baby-on-board, and ridiculous comments from the public-at-large. Here's a little sampling from today's remarks:
"Wow, you really are pregnant!" from a well-meaning professor.
"You must be due any day now." from a random patron at the grocery store.
"Indulging today?" from the grocery checker in reference to a piece of chocolate. I tell said grocery checker, "It's not for me. My husband is having a bad day and I thought he would enjoy a piece of cake."

Well, this just launches the grocery checker into a tale about how people try to spend money to indulge themselves and make themselves feel better. About how in this economic climate indulging ourselves does not help us save money and invest in things that bring about true happiness....seriuosly?
Look lady, I spent $1 on a piece of chocolate cake. It's not some fancy, bakery $5-a-slice-piece-of-decadence. And so what if I do choose to attempt indulging a little. Believe me, I am all too aware of how sucky our economy is right now. I feel it every day.

To top it off, my discount card reflects my awesome UVA discount and the grocery checker immdiately assumes it is my husbands employee discount. What, can't a pregnant lady grocery shopping in the middle of the afternoon be the owner of a UVA discount?
For the record, my 'indulgent' self saved $13.59 on a grocery bill of $30.12. Just ask my husband, I am painfully thrifty. And while I may be carrying bigger than I did with my first two pregnancies, I am in no way large in any noteworthy way.
Here are a couple of cute pics of the girls, just to show I'm not all spit and spunk. (and a gorgeous pregancy a friend of mine took just two weeks ago to show I'm not that huge).

Me and my cute husband at a wedding a month ago.

I can not believe it's anther pic of me and Brian. We never have pics of the two of us.

Sweet little Autumn. Don't let the shy smile fool you!

Always dramatic and girly. Abigail on the 4th.

A plug for my friend's photography

(and for the record, that is not that ginormous for 31 weeks)

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Happy 5th!

I suppose more people enjoy the festivities of the 4th, but I'm really enjoying the sleepy Sunday that is the 5th of July. Today marks 33 weeks of pregnancy, and despite what my ticker says, I do not have cankles. Pregnancy brings with it all sorts of stereotypical ailments... morning sickness, swelling, sore back, waddling, gaining the weight of a 3, 4, or 5 year old.... I am very grateful that I am not one of them, I tend to get the more unusual pubic symphisis pain or tingly toes. My midwife appointment this past week was very reassuring. My month of uber-weight gain magically reversed itself. Instead of the two-pound a week pace I had gained or the one pound a week gain expected, I came in at 1/2 pound a week. Can't say that I did that much different, the body just decided to slow down its pound-packing pace. Thank goodness.

Found another great car seat sale and purchased Autumn her new car seat just like Abigail's RadianXT. Two super sleek car seats and room for the infant seat. Woo Hoo! Three car seats can safely be installed in our VUE. What a relief. It's nice to have that weight off my shoulders. I'm not big on 'gut feelings', but for some reason I feel like this baby isn't go to allow me to enjoy the extra time of being post-due like my others did. Just getting me through the program without too much stress has been more than I can ask for, so my hoping she will hold out until September just makes me feel like I'm pressing my luck. I figured Brian's job loss was a big enough Whammy for one pregnancy, but I am prepping myself for one more.

4th of July was fun and relaxing. A morning at the pool, a little work on a group project during the girls' naps, then off to a BBQ with some friends. All 8 kids played awesome together. No fighting or tears, just hours of fun. We were hoping to make it to the city fireworks, but after a 15 minutes of driveway fireworks, it was clear the little ladies were bonking fast. Poor Abigail was so tired at 9:15 that she cried most of the way home. And, let the record reflect, the girls did NOT sleep in this morning. Instead, they're just cranky because they didn't get enough sleep. It was worth for the special occasion, but I don't know how parents keep their kids up regularly and not go clinically insane.

I will try to post pictures later in the month. Our digital camera is a real thorn in my already lazy picture documentation of my kids' lives. It's slow to snap a shot and the batter loses it's charge lickety-split. Plus, this next week I plan on completing my last 60 clinical hours, plus 6 hours of class and homework. Any spare time I have will be with the girls or Brian. The internet fans will have to wait.

Hope everyone out there is shiny and happy.