Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Almost the End of an Era

So today kicks off my class's final presentations. It feels so great to being so close to the end. The irony isn't lost on me that I am scheduled to present on the very last day, only third from the end. I will also be 36 and 5 days pregnant at the time. Not presenting today instead of Friday was really going to buy me that much time, but still. I'm kind of excited to present because I dug deep and got creative with PowerPoint. The audience will be amazed.

As for the rest of life, I have been obsessively reading the Twilight series (I resisted as long as I could and I've fallen into the trap with the rest of you). I am currently craving my habit while I wait for a friend of a neighbor to drop off the last two books. The library wait is 35 deep and I can't justify buying the books on our budget. Withdrawal sucks.

Our family of four is soon to be a family of five. I had another midwife appointment on Monday. Abigail shared with her her overwhelming Star Wars knowledge. It was very cute. Baby is kicking up a storm and I don't think she really gets the whole "fetal position" thing. I think she prefers jumping jacks.

I realized today that I've got 3.5 weeks left +/- 2 if I go to term. That means I could be just 10 days away from delivering!!! Given my track record, I'm thinking I probably have 39 days left, but anything is possible. I have also hit the weight that I was at when I delivered the other two. I always had a theory that, despite starting off ten pounds lighter with this pregnancy, my body was going to strive to hit the same maximum density. I guess my body is being an over-achiever this time around because I think it will break it's record by a couple of pounds. Dandy. Just don't leave any stretch marks and I'll forgive you.

Lucky for me, the nursery is all ready to go. We are just reusing all of Autumn's stuff, so it really was an easy feat. Thanks go out to all my classmates that threw me (and my two other pregnant classmates) a baby shower last weekend. Diapers galore...I'm in heaven. Now I've just got to pack my overnight bag for the hospital and look into pre-registering. Who wants to get to the hospital 8 cm dilated and then find out they have to fill out a bunch of paperwork.

Well, all that's left is picking out a name for this little lady. We promise we will have a name. Even if we miraculously agree on something a week before the baby gets here, we're not telling. You'll just have to wait like everyone else. Can't wait to see what the future holds.

1 comment:

T. said...

Congrats you!