Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Don't Stereotype...It's Not the Hormones

***ignore the formating, i've tried to fix it at least 5 times and damn blogspot keeps omitting my spacing. Just add it to the rant***
No doubt, life of late has been a little stressful. School, unemployment, baby-on-board, and ridiculous comments from the public-at-large. Here's a little sampling from today's remarks:
"Wow, you really are pregnant!" from a well-meaning professor.
"You must be due any day now." from a random patron at the grocery store.
"Indulging today?" from the grocery checker in reference to a piece of chocolate. I tell said grocery checker, "It's not for me. My husband is having a bad day and I thought he would enjoy a piece of cake."

Well, this just launches the grocery checker into a tale about how people try to spend money to indulge themselves and make themselves feel better. About how in this economic climate indulging ourselves does not help us save money and invest in things that bring about true happiness....seriuosly?
Look lady, I spent $1 on a piece of chocolate cake. It's not some fancy, bakery $5-a-slice-piece-of-decadence. And so what if I do choose to attempt indulging a little. Believe me, I am all too aware of how sucky our economy is right now. I feel it every day.

To top it off, my discount card reflects my awesome UVA discount and the grocery checker immdiately assumes it is my husbands employee discount. What, can't a pregnant lady grocery shopping in the middle of the afternoon be the owner of a UVA discount?
For the record, my 'indulgent' self saved $13.59 on a grocery bill of $30.12. Just ask my husband, I am painfully thrifty. And while I may be carrying bigger than I did with my first two pregnancies, I am in no way large in any noteworthy way.
Here are a couple of cute pics of the girls, just to show I'm not all spit and spunk. (and a gorgeous pregancy a friend of mine took just two weeks ago to show I'm not that huge).

Me and my cute husband at a wedding a month ago.

I can not believe it's anther pic of me and Brian. We never have pics of the two of us.

Sweet little Autumn. Don't let the shy smile fool you!

Always dramatic and girly. Abigail on the 4th.

A plug for my friend's photography http://www.kerihensleyphotography.com/

(and for the record, that is not that ginormous for 31 weeks)

1 comment:

T. said...

Yer gorgeous and don't let anyone say otherwise.

Indulge all day long.