Thursday, July 16, 2009

Post-Secret Inverted

So, I got tagged by my SIL to do this little meme. I'm not sure I can come up with 20, but I will give it my best. In short, I will list some of my thoughts and feelings about someone without mentioning who they are directed to. She described it much more eloquently than I am, so I will quote her, "Basically, you list 20 things you would love to say to various people in your life, without attaching names or context ."

Praises may be spoken aloud more often than grievances, but I still don't think they are said nearly enough.

1. I don't like it when you take credit for my accomplishments. I'm not saying you haven't contributed, but you are not the only one who could have helped me get to where I am today.

2. It's not always about you.

3. Spending time with you is always a blast. It's like we're kindred spirits. Know that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to because you are smart, funny, and kind.

4. You may be strong willed, but you challenge me daily and I am better for it.

5. Your generosity and sweetness is something I strive to achieve. If everyone were like you the world would be a much better place.

6. There's too much history to toss it all aside, despite that I regularly feel like I give more than I get. I know you are going through a tough time, but is there ever a time that you're not?

7. We may have very different personalities, but we agree on the important stuff and that is what makes our relationship so rich and balanced.

8. To each his own. I am not judging you. If you feel judged, then maybe you are not comfortable with yourself or your choices.

9. I know behind your actions are always good intentions. If you were upfront about them, then I wouldn't feel like you were trying to steal my power.

10. How did you get so jaded and cynical? Life isn't always easy, but good or bad this is life. Make the most of it and appreciate what you have or you will die having done nothing and being miserable the whole time.

11. It's not always your way or my way. There are many ways, neither right nor wrong, and that is okay.

Well, 11 will have to do. I have to get lunch ready for the girls and this can be quite time consuming. I think just about all of those apply to more than one person. If you think it isn't about you, it probably is. If you think it is about you, you're probably right because I've probably said directly to you. Does this post make me sound bitter or content? It is what it is, I suppose.

1 comment:

T. said...

love this meme.