Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I can not believe there is only 16 days, 10 hours, and 45 minutes left until nursing school is over.

I can not believe that there is only ~40 days until our new baby girl arrives (and we still don't have a name).

I can not believe I will not receive my summer financial aid before my last day of class.

I can not believe how hard it is to find a job in this economy, but us Murphys are a strong and persistent people.

I can not believe how often I have to pee. My bladder will be happen to no longer be a punching bag.

I can not believe that I wouldn't be upset if this baby came a week or two early so that I can spend extra time with her and be less miserable. I love being pregnant, why is it less fun this time?

I can not believe how excited the girls get when I blow a bubble with gum. If only I was so easily amused.

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