Sunday, August 23, 2009

Curious Ticker

I've enjoyed the funny baby ticker I've had at the top of my blog for the last 32 weeks or so. I'm quite curious what it will say tomorrow or if the programmer decided to come up with quippy comments for 40 weeks, then quit. Given that 42 weeks is still within the realm of normal, I will be disappointed to have my ticker achieve it's conclusion before I achieve mine, delivery. I will also not be surprised.

Just keeping it low key today. Brian is working on freelance work and I'm trying to stand as little as possible. Mostly because this baby loves to give me inguinal charley horses that make my right leg give out on me and are most uncomfortable. Also, my midwife is out of town today. I figure, she ought to be back by late evening, so I would probably be safe going into labor sometime around dinner time. She ought to be back on call by the time I need her services. I can get through the first 70% of labor on my own. It's just that last hurdle that I need help with.

We'll see what tomorrow's morning appointment holds in store for us. A biophysical profile for early in the week and more waiting? We shall see.

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