Monday, August 31, 2009

Missed Her Window

I'm sure most people sneaking a peek at this blog are also on FB. If you're not, the posting hiatus does not mean that I have delivered. I've just been lazy.

When I was pregnant with Abigail, I delivered 9 days past my due date (went into labor on Day 8, but it was 19.5 hours and spilled into Day 9). Somewhere around 4 days past due, I arrived at a very Zen place. Rather than anxiously believe I could deliver at any moment, I'd decided that I'd missed my window and it just wasn't going to happen. We all know that the baby has to get out eventually, but it made those last few days much more relaxing. Well, I reached that stage a couple of days ago. I'm 8 days past my due date and I just figure she's missed her chance.

I will keep everyone posted, as I have a midwife appointment this afternoon (won't even acknowledge the ginormous amount of weight I've gained with this pregnancy...starting out lighter does not comfort my ego in the slightest) which will lead to an ultrasound appointment to check amniotic fluid levels, movement, heart rate, etc... Hopefully by evening we will have a plan of action and an end date in mind, but I'm hoping that this lady comes on her own. Abigail has placed her bets on tomorrow. Let's hope she's right!

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