Tuesday, September 01, 2009

No Dice

Well, the midwife appointment was less eventful than I had hoped. Not sure what I was expecting. Despite my knowledge to the contrary, I think many pregnant women look to their care providers as if they might have a crystal ball in their brains. Each appointment they hope to hear "you'll deliver this week or tomorrow is the day" despite that being totally illogical. You anxiously await the internal exam hoping that their is significance in the numbers, after all, doesn't 3 cm sound like you are closer to the onset of labor than 1 cm? You'd be wrong, but it sounds like it should. For the record, I'm at two. Why am I discouraged when I know this number to be meaningless? If this post has already given you the TMI willies, then check back in on another day.

At over 41 weeks, you start investigating ways to get the show on the road in hopes of avoiding a pharmaceutical induction. Despite personal evidence to the contrary (and not much scientific data to back it up), stripping of membranes is the next step to encourage the uterus to stop slacking and do its job. Alas, if your cervix is too posterior (like mine was), even this feeble attempt can not be performed. And nipple stimulation with a breast pump to promote the release of oxytocin...really it just makes you sore. Evening Primrose oil? Take it orally or apply it directly to the cervix...well, so long is there is no harm, why not?! I draw the line at castor oil. Because it's only effective if your body was ready to deliver anyway, so now you've taken the awful tasting stuff and have to deal with the shits while you're in labor. How is that a good idea?

So, I've got another appointment tomorrow afternoon to discuss "the plan" and a biophysical profile. Thought this was going to happen Monday, but there really was no indication, especially since this is not my first adventure past my due date and the baby is not going to be far off from average. Guess I'll post more tomorrow. If not baby news, then appointment fun it will be.

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