Abigail and Her Pretty New Glasses
Sunday, September 27, 2009
A Post of Pics
Abigail and Her Pretty New Glasses
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Breast Milk and Beer: A Comparison
In this scientific comparison, it is a baby drinking the breast milk and an adult of legal age partaking in the beer.
#1- Just a couple of sips and you get very relaxed
#2- Drink enough and you'll pass out.
#3- Drink too much and you'll throw it all up (this does not deter you from going back for more).
#4- Both can give you the shits.
#5- Both are better drunk from the tap, but a bottle of either will suffice.
#6- Baby milk and beer can really pack on the pounds.
#7- It's ok for milk to be nursed. However, you will be made fun of by your friends for nursing your beer.
Am I missing anything?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Just Enjoying Life
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
The Birth Story
Babigyrl Murphy was due August 23rd. After an intensive grad program and being on my feet for long shifts, I thought for certain she would come early. My others were "overdue", but I felt like I was tempting fate having a due date so close to graduation. Clearly I had nothing to worry about.
At ten days after my due date, my midwife and I discussed "the plan" to get this baby out into the world. Thank goodness the word induction was enough to scare our little lady out. I had already prepared for an induction, feeling disappointed and relieved, when I went to bed Thursday night. Around 3:30 AM I got up to go to the bathroom (again) when I heard a POP! Having never had my water break until delivery was emminent, I was not quite sure what to do. My first reaction was clinical, time, color, amount... I was hoping for a trickle, as some women describe, but I was not so lucky. Seriously, talk about messy. We don't get to choose, but I much prefer not having my water break. I am also very thankful that I was not in bed or some other fabric covered surface when it occured. Gross.
After a brief pondering, I decided to wake Brian up to get the in-laws over to the house. This at least gave me piece of mind that we could leave at a moment's notice if labor was faster than I expected. Called my midwife at 5 AM to give her the FYI. She was giddy. Contractions were minimal, so I decided to lay down for a bit. BIG MISTAKE. That brought on a huge contraction. At 6:30, it was time to call the midwife and get to the other side of town before things got unmanageable. I was 7 cm and still felt pretty good. It was all back labor again, but for some reason I was able to relax, open my eyes, and converse in-between contractions (in sharp contrast to my other two labors).
Brian was amazing during labor. He got all caught up in my midwife's excitement for each contraction. He began to welcome them, instead of fear them. He was the perfect counter-pressure masseuse during the intense contractions. Once we were at the hospital, it was time to use the birthing ball to encourage descent. It was quite comfortable, almost too comfortable. I actually had an 8 minutes reprieve and began to wonder if it was slowing things down when I had one of two incredibly memorable contractions. Hurt so bad I was asking for an emesis basin(yes, even in all the pain, I was still formal...no puke bucket for me.) That was the sign my midwife needed to get the jacuzzi tub going.
Me Just After One Serious Contraction
Still Managing to Get Comfort in the Breaks
If any of you had the opportunity to talk to me this day, I apologize for the less than enthusiastic conversation. I was beyond exhausted. It took all the energy I could muster just to keep breathing. I'm sure I seemed rude, but I really was happy to talk to you. I really was thrilled and happy to meet my new Baby Bridget, but I had nothing left to express myself.
Mommy and Baby All Cleaned Up
Autumn is Officially a Big Sister
Proud Papa, My Amazing Husband
Abigail Meeting Bridget
Tickle Toes
Daddy's Three Princess
Now the question is, had I known then, what I know now, would I go au'naturale again? Maybe. I'm glad I did it. I feel empowered and know that I can do anything I set my mind, too. But I have a new appreciation for the pain relief I received with my epidurals.
Welcome to the world and your family, Bridget Elise.
Friday, September 04, 2009
It's Started!!!!!
12 days past the due date.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
If You're in Chicago
Please follow the link if you would like to help a well-deserving family member and a chance to tell cancer to bugger off.
Entry: Not Only A Good Cause, Sept. 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Might As Well Take Advantage of My Time
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
No Dice
At over 41 weeks, you start investigating ways to get the show on the road in hopes of avoiding a pharmaceutical induction. Despite personal evidence to the contrary (and not much scientific data to back it up), stripping of membranes is the next step to encourage the uterus to stop slacking and do its job. Alas, if your cervix is too posterior (like mine was), even this feeble attempt can not be performed. And nipple stimulation with a breast pump to promote the release of oxytocin...really it just makes you sore. Evening Primrose oil? Take it orally or apply it directly to the cervix...well, so long is there is no harm, why not?! I draw the line at castor oil. Because it's only effective if your body was ready to deliver anyway, so now you've taken the awful tasting stuff and have to deal with the shits while you're in labor. How is that a good idea?
So, I've got another appointment tomorrow afternoon to discuss "the plan" and a biophysical profile. Thought this was going to happen Monday, but there really was no indication, especially since this is not my first adventure past my due date and the baby is not going to be far off from average. Guess I'll post more tomorrow. If not baby news, then appointment fun it will be.