Wednesday, July 30, 2008


The paper is written and will be turned in tomorrow. Sigh...

Break time here I come.

I recognize that there are more serious problems children can have beyond speech, but without the basics, everyday tasks can become very complicated. I have been amazed at how many new words and sounds Autumn has learned this summer. Yesterday she said "book". Not only did she use the "ck" sound, but she didn't drop off the last consonant. I know I'll never know everything going through her head, but it's nice to finally be privy to a few of her thoughts.

I have also started reading the book Mother-Daughter Project. I have only gotten through the first three chapter, but I can already recommend it to any mom. Not just women who have daughters, but mother's of boys can gain a lot of insight, too. I can not quote the whole book, but I have read bits and pieces to my husband, and I think he would agree that the authors have illuminated some of the key issues that mother's struggle with. I will likely discuss later after I've had time to read the whole thing. If you have ever struggled with how to balance yourself as a woman and a mom (sans a moment's guilt), while trying to sort through what society tells us we should be , then I recommend at least reading the first three chapters.

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