Thursday, July 03, 2008

Just When You Thought Your Program Couldn't Get Any Worse

I took my final Tuesday for one of my summer class, Culture and Health. It had the makings of being a very interesting class. We'd get a chance to learn about different cultures and how they approach healthcare. We'd learn strategies for closing the gap in access and quality of care.

Needless to say, I am not shocked that this information was not included, despite the objectives listed on the syllabus. What a huge waste of time and money. The take home message we were conveyed "blacks have worse outcomes for every disease, than whites and by owning my own home I am perpetuating the suppression of blacks". I get it. Whites have better health outcomes and a higher socioeconomic class than just about every minority in this country, but give me solutions and strategies to provide equality. Pointing out wrong isn't enough to fix anything. It's like telling someone they're obese. You're not telling them anything new. If you want them to lose the weight give them nutrition and excercise information that will help them reach their weight loss goal.

And don't even get me started on the final (too late). For starters, everyone struggled with being able to identify the material that needed to learned. Nothing was really emphasized in class. I'd read the book (aka-skimmed the chapter summaries) and did all the online modules. The final was 25 questions, open book, open note, 2 hours. Who wouldn't ace it? I would not be surprised if some of my classmates didn't fail it. I have never seen anything so preposterous. Short answers were really essays. One even required three references!!! references!!! on an exam!!! I can't get into too many details, as the exam is still open until Monday for my classmates to take, but 75% of the test was not covered in the class and only 2 could be recalled without looking them up (not because I'm stupid, but because they called for the obscure statistic or concept NOT MENTIONED IN CLASS!!!

So, I am meeting with the teacher to discuss this and talking with the Dean of the program. Both are getting a serious ear full. I mean no disrespect, I understand these people have feeling and think they are doing a good job, but I have never seen such horrible education as I have in this program. The nursing educator shortage is very obvious and it's only going to churn out really incompetent nurses.

I'm sure it will come as no surprise when I say I can NOT recommend this program to ANYONE.

On the up side, I finished lecture for the summer yesterday and I don't start clinical until Tuesday. A little break for the holiday weekend, I can not wait. I am going to declutter and polish this place up, then kick my feet up, eat some watermelon, and drink a beer. sigh.

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