Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nerdy Nursery

A thoughtful friend sent me a link to Tiffany Ard. I would absolutely decorate my nursery with this stuff. The pictures are the coolest. Maybe it's not too late to get the ABC flashcards for Autumn. Who are we kidding? I'm getting them for ME.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It Will Never End

Mood: grumpy
Obviously, from this summer's posts, I've hit a rough patch in nursing school. Still getting all As, but just not enjoying it as much as I'd hope. I was hoping having a few weeks off would be just what I needed to recharge before the beginning of the last year. Sadly, my break was not particularly reenergizing. I feel like nursing school is 50% learning, 50% jumping through hoops of hazing. I don't feel like a lot of what is required of us is so much to help us grow as nurses, so much as to see if the little monkeys can clang the cymbals.

Do you really need to spend $30+ on an iClicker in class of 22? While I'm all for incorporating new technologies, the School of Nursing has done a piss poor job at learning how to effectively incorporate them before requiring the class to spend money on the latest and greatest (on-line testing, PDAs, and the endless interfacing websites-blackboard, toolkit, collab, elsevier...). I'm tired of spending thousands of dollars on being the guinea pig.

(Leaf turning) Mood: Proud

Abigail is loving school. This really helps because her afternoons have been a little moody.
Note to self- do not run errands right after school. A snack is not enough to help my little lady to decompress. Allow at least thirty minutes of imaginative play to decompress.

Autumn is in her new Big Two's/Little Three's classroom. She has gotten rave reviews the last two days. Going potty on her own, eating well, playing nicely, and napping for two hours. She can also now say the words "up" and "cookie". sugary sweet.

Mood: cautiously optimistic
My critical care rotation this fall will be on the Cardiac Care Unit. I really had a great time on the Cardiac floor and am really comfortable with the pathophys of the heart. I also really enjoy the ICU setting.

I'm hoping to write my Epi paper on Smallpox. I love dipping into my background in biowarfare and forensics. Throw in the biological and medical aspects of Smallpox and I get really excited (ya, geeky, i know). If not, I'll have to settle for Marburg.

I have Ethics this fall and we'll be doing group debates. (groups-suck, debates-rock).

I'm hopeful there will be some fun to be had this fall, but I have no doubt that they will find a way to ruin it, per usual.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Foot in Mouth

Not really, the girls have been afflicted with the delightful Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. The only silver lining is that it doesn't keep them out of school. The virus can shed for weeks and is so contagious, quarantine just isn't practical. woo hoo.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Family's First Day of Kindergarten

It was strange to have to set an alarm for Abigail today. We so rarely use an alarm clock anymore that it felt very strange. Abigail got up 10 minutes before the alarm went off and was already dressed by the time I got down the hall. She woke up very excited for school. We all got dressed and took some "first day of kindergarten" pics.

The whole family walked up to the bus stop. I had no idea there were so many kids in the neighborhood! We met the bus driver and Abigail gave a happy wave as she found her seat.

Then Brian, Autumn and I went to Starbuck's for a morning coffee. 5 minutes into the walk Autumn declares, "I...miss...Abby". But, she quickly realized how much fun it was to be an "only" for a morning. Autumn had speech, I threw my back out, I dropped Autumn off at daycare, picked up forms from the pediatrician, picked up allergy forms for Abigail, picked up diphenhydramine, dropped off forms, Epi-Pen and diphenhydramine at the elementary school, chatted with the school nurse...did I mention I threw my back out? Got home, did homework (turns out that was last year's homework assignment that didn't need to be you tell me), took a bath, then hobbled up to the bus stop with Brian.

Abigail had a GREAT day. The library was her favorite part and she got to eat lunch with her BFF. She was so busy and distracted that she only had a small sip of water all day. Needless to say, her snack consisted of a glass of milk and both waters I sent with her to school.

I am so proud of her and of us. She amazes me with her warmth and resilience. We have empowered her to stand up for herself and to be confident and kind to others.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kindergarten Eve

Tomorrow is Abigail's first day of Kindergarten. We've met her teacher twice, met the art, music and PE teacher, met the librarian, and the Vice Principal (hopefully we won't have to cross paths again unless she wins an award). We've filled out forms, dropped off forms, and signed forms. We've explained forms, bus safety, and where the nut-free table is. We've packed a lunch, a snack and a backpack. I'm exhausted and she hasn't even started yet.

I know Abigail will do great. She warms up to people quickly and (I quote) "loves everybody". Her teacher seems like a perfect fit. She's very laid back, calm, and is quiet. I recently learned that there are teachers out there that are yellers. I was shocked. With the exception of getting the attention of a rowdy class, I can't believe a teacher would ever be able to get away with raising their voice to a child. That's probably because I've only yelled at Abigail once and have felt horrible about it ever since. Just not my style.

I can't wait to hear all about my big girl's day when she climbs off the bus! Hurray for Abigail.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Going with Momentum

Ok, after having cleaned the bathrooms, put away the laundry, did the dishes, organized my desk, cleaned up the kid's rooms, decluttered the main level, surfed for cheap textbook prices and done a little research on litter-free lunchboxes, I didn't think I had an excuse not to put up the very few pictures we took at the beach. Enjoy! (I was playing with text on the photos. I'll have to make the script bigger next time. Momentum isn't enough to make me go back and fix it now).

A Couple of Cuties! Brian and Autumn

Autumn at the Ocean

Abigail at the Ocean

Sleepy After a Long Day at the Beach

Vacation Times Two

Thanks goodness I got my vacation in when I did because things are about to get insane for a couple of weeks (online class is starting a week before the official start of the fall semester, Autumn has her pre-school assessment for speech plus the copious forms, Abigail starts kindergarten plus the copious forms, I've gotta get my presentation together for Community Health that is due in one week, egads!).

But, the vacations were a delightful reprieve from reality. Brian and I visited wineries, did some canoeing down the Shenandoah River, drank delicious special recipe coffee at the B&B, napped, ate, napped, and really enjoyed just being together. No schedules, no responsibilities, no school.

Then, we were home for just six hours before we hopped in the car for the extended family vacation on the OBX. In that six hours, we did laundry, packed for the beach, met Abigial's new kindergarten teacher and toured the school, took Autumn to a doctor's appointment (ear infection), picked up medicine at the pharmacy, and jumped in the car to go. It took the girls a little coaxing to go into the water, but once they crossed that threshold, there was no getting them back. They loved making sand soup and catching the waves. They loved having a long sleepover with their cousins, aunt, uncle, and grandparents. And, I was delighted to see Abigail absorbed in watching the swimming and gymnastics on the Olympics. We aren't big sports watchers in this house,but she loved the Olympics. What can I say, Abigail is a mini-me. Autumn made us all giggle when I asked her if she wanted to watch Curious George later, she spun her head around and with big, blue eyes let out a startled "What?!". I can do it no justice, but she had us rolling in laughter. It's a new word for her and she looked at me like I suggested the most horrifying idea.

It was good to catch up with family and Brian got a good laugh when Autumn and I almost got swallowed by a wave. My mom got sixty presents for her 60th birthday. What can be more awesome than literally being showered with presents? It was fun to watch the girls run around the beach (tiny little ruffled bottoms), Brian had the best swimsuit on the beach, and I have to say I felt pretty rockin' in my new bikini.

Sadly, very few pictures were taken. We forgot our camera during our anniversary getaway and I was too busy playing at the beach to take many pictures.

But, it's damn good to be home again.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Really, I'm Flattered

My friend and I went out last night to enjoy Fridays After Five and grab a bite to eat at a local bar. The weather was perfect; a little breezy, but not chilly. The beer was cool and refreshing. The conversation, enjoyable per usual. We had just been served our drinks on the outside patio when a fellow restaurant patron asks us if we know where the garbage is. I do a quick sweep and point out the garbage on the other side of the patio. He walks away.

Friend: That guy was hitting on us.
Me: ?? No he wasn't. (It's not just the new blonde hair, I've always been that clueless)
Friend: He should just give his trash to the waiter.
Me: You're right, plus his table is literally right next to the garbage can. Whatever

5 minutes later.
waitress: These drinks (an Orange Crush) are courtesy of that Fellow over there.

Me and Friend: "thanks", wave, awkward.

She and I chat about how we haven't had a guy buy us a drink in years and didn't he see my wedding ring when I pointed out the garbage? We also spent about 5 minutes trying to figure out what was in the drink we had been given. A shot of mandarin vodka and cranberry juice plus something bubbly. Tastes a lot like a SweetTart to me. Turns out the juicy part is cranberry and Red Bull, as we learned after the Fellow comes back to chat. Nice guy, from D.C., works "for the House....of Representatives" (critique-if you are hitting on someone, assume they are bright enough to make the leap that when you say you work for the House in D.C. you are talking about the House of Representative and not the White House or a personal residence.)

As we are finishing up our meal, Fellow returns for a final bit of chit chat.

Fellow: How do you two know each other?
Friend: We know each other because of the kids.
Fellow: Oh, you've been friends since you were kids?

Me and my friend give each other a look and hold back a laugh.

Me: No. We know each other because our kids play together.
Fellow: crickets... Oh!

I headed to the restroom before we headed home and found my friend chatting with the Fellow and his table of friends. He was hanging out with his best friend and fiancee. The best friend was trying to get an honest critique of the the Fellow's technique, all the while the sweet fiancee is clearly embarrassed and keeps shaking her head.

BFF: So, on a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the Fellow's moves? Be honest.
Me: A 4.
My friend: That's what I said, too.
Me: I have to dock you a point because you gotta look for the rings.

It was a fun evening. LMAO. Even more fun because I had someone awesome to come home to and I'm relieved to not be a part of the dating scene anymore. I am flattered and I guess I'm looking youthful these days. These guys thought didn't think I could be thirty, let alone have kids and earlier this summer a client thought I was nineteen. Seriously?! I don't look nineteen and who wants to be that young? No independence, no income, no legal drinking, no thanks.

Love ya babe.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Vacation in Less Than a Day

We will be dropping the girls off for a sleepover at Gramma and Grandpa's tomorrow afternoon and will be kid free until Tuesday afternoon. It will be so relaxing to leave town and enjoy our 7th Anniversary. That meant that today was spent buying groceries for the family beach trip that we leave for the day after we get back from our Anniversary trip. Abigail and I baked lasagna for the beach and lemon bars for the annual MOMS Club Kernels for Kidneys event tomorrow morning. I packed the girls suitcases, picked up a book at the library, danced around all day to AOL radio's Top 111 worst songs (I hardly consider "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt to be in the Top 100 WORST songs), and remembered to buy stamps (this is monumental, I kid you not). As detail oriented as I am, I notoriously forget stamps even when they are written on The List. It's become quite a joke. But, I conquered that reputation; for today anyway. I will kick of my vacation a little early by hitting Fridays After Five with my friend Becky. A Carribean Orchestra, some beer, good company...I can feel the muscles turn to putty already.

Hope my escape from the daily grind will rub off a little on each and every one of you.

Thursday, August 07, 2008


We finally got kindergarten teacher assignments in the mail today. We told Abigail who her teacher was and she exclaimed "That's just who I wanted". Of course when she found her friend had a different teacher, she quickly dissed her assignment and began pining for the other teacher. Fickle Five. At any rate, I am so excited to be a mom of a kindergartener.

I recently encountered a few moms that were against teaching their kids evolution and/or the origins of the universe. Let's be clear, evolution and the origin of the universe are two different things. You can believe in evolution even if you think someone else put the universe in place. And just because we haven't concretely identified how everything got here, it doesn't mean an unidentified deity put us here. I find it interesting that people of faith are always trying to debunk science because something hasn't been "proven", yet belieiving in God based on faith is totally acceptable.

I also don't think that science and religion have to always be butting heads with each other. I think that they can coexist peacefully in someone's life. And while I'm at it, why is it acceptable to tell people their scientifc beliefs are bogus and ignorant. I would never walk up to someone (I hardly even know, btw) and tell them that what they believe is the most widely dispersed story and not based on concrete facts.

At the end of the day, one of these moms is a good friend of mine and will remain so because she and I respect each other's beliefs and empower each other to parent in the way we feel is best for our family. The other lady, I've encountered less than a handful of times and you better believe I will go out of my way to never cross paths with her again, thankyouverymuch.

I will enjoy the fact that Abigail has no idea that knowledge can be so controversial and I'll teach her to stand up for her beliefs, despite what those around her say.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


We officially have one less daycare bill as of last Friday. I feel like we've hit a financial windfall. The little ladies and I went to visit my mom last weekend, while Brian got a much deserved break. Abigail and I have been running all over town catching up with old friends, running errands, cleaning the house, and just enjoying each other's company. Today was going to be the free summer movie, but Autumn is sick. Instead, we will stick with the girl's morning dentist appointment, get Autumn seen at the Pediatrician, and swing by the allergist to get school forms filled out for Abigail. We should find out who Abigail's kindergarten teacher is by the weekend and we're so excited. I can't wait.