Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Family's First Day of Kindergarten

It was strange to have to set an alarm for Abigail today. We so rarely use an alarm clock anymore that it felt very strange. Abigail got up 10 minutes before the alarm went off and was already dressed by the time I got down the hall. She woke up very excited for school. We all got dressed and took some "first day of kindergarten" pics.

The whole family walked up to the bus stop. I had no idea there were so many kids in the neighborhood! We met the bus driver and Abigail gave a happy wave as she found her seat.

Then Brian, Autumn and I went to Starbuck's for a morning coffee. 5 minutes into the walk Autumn declares, "I...miss...Abby". But, she quickly realized how much fun it was to be an "only" for a morning. Autumn had speech, I threw my back out, I dropped Autumn off at daycare, picked up forms from the pediatrician, picked up allergy forms for Abigail, picked up diphenhydramine, dropped off forms, Epi-Pen and diphenhydramine at the elementary school, chatted with the school nurse...did I mention I threw my back out? Got home, did homework (turns out that was last year's homework assignment that didn't need to be you tell me), took a bath, then hobbled up to the bus stop with Brian.

Abigail had a GREAT day. The library was her favorite part and she got to eat lunch with her BFF. She was so busy and distracted that she only had a small sip of water all day. Needless to say, her snack consisted of a glass of milk and both waters I sent with her to school.

I am so proud of her and of us. She amazes me with her warmth and resilience. We have empowered her to stand up for herself and to be confident and kind to others.

1 comment:

Da Doo Run Run said...

Go Abby! I'm glad it went so great, but sorry about your back. And I'm also COMPLETELY jealous that Starbucks is within walking distance of your house. Hope she continues to love it!