Saturday, August 16, 2008

Vacation Times Two

Thanks goodness I got my vacation in when I did because things are about to get insane for a couple of weeks (online class is starting a week before the official start of the fall semester, Autumn has her pre-school assessment for speech plus the copious forms, Abigail starts kindergarten plus the copious forms, I've gotta get my presentation together for Community Health that is due in one week, egads!).

But, the vacations were a delightful reprieve from reality. Brian and I visited wineries, did some canoeing down the Shenandoah River, drank delicious special recipe coffee at the B&B, napped, ate, napped, and really enjoyed just being together. No schedules, no responsibilities, no school.

Then, we were home for just six hours before we hopped in the car for the extended family vacation on the OBX. In that six hours, we did laundry, packed for the beach, met Abigial's new kindergarten teacher and toured the school, took Autumn to a doctor's appointment (ear infection), picked up medicine at the pharmacy, and jumped in the car to go. It took the girls a little coaxing to go into the water, but once they crossed that threshold, there was no getting them back. They loved making sand soup and catching the waves. They loved having a long sleepover with their cousins, aunt, uncle, and grandparents. And, I was delighted to see Abigail absorbed in watching the swimming and gymnastics on the Olympics. We aren't big sports watchers in this house,but she loved the Olympics. What can I say, Abigail is a mini-me. Autumn made us all giggle when I asked her if she wanted to watch Curious George later, she spun her head around and with big, blue eyes let out a startled "What?!". I can do it no justice, but she had us rolling in laughter. It's a new word for her and she looked at me like I suggested the most horrifying idea.

It was good to catch up with family and Brian got a good laugh when Autumn and I almost got swallowed by a wave. My mom got sixty presents for her 60th birthday. What can be more awesome than literally being showered with presents? It was fun to watch the girls run around the beach (tiny little ruffled bottoms), Brian had the best swimsuit on the beach, and I have to say I felt pretty rockin' in my new bikini.

Sadly, very few pictures were taken. We forgot our camera during our anniversary getaway and I was too busy playing at the beach to take many pictures.

But, it's damn good to be home again.

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