Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It Will Never End

Mood: grumpy
Obviously, from this summer's posts, I've hit a rough patch in nursing school. Still getting all As, but just not enjoying it as much as I'd hope. I was hoping having a few weeks off would be just what I needed to recharge before the beginning of the last year. Sadly, my break was not particularly reenergizing. I feel like nursing school is 50% learning, 50% jumping through hoops of hazing. I don't feel like a lot of what is required of us is so much to help us grow as nurses, so much as to see if the little monkeys can clang the cymbals.

Do you really need to spend $30+ on an iClicker in class of 22? While I'm all for incorporating new technologies, the School of Nursing has done a piss poor job at learning how to effectively incorporate them before requiring the class to spend money on the latest and greatest (on-line testing, PDAs, and the endless interfacing websites-blackboard, toolkit, collab, elsevier...). I'm tired of spending thousands of dollars on being the guinea pig.

(Leaf turning) Mood: Proud

Abigail is loving school. This really helps because her afternoons have been a little moody.
Note to self- do not run errands right after school. A snack is not enough to help my little lady to decompress. Allow at least thirty minutes of imaginative play to decompress.

Autumn is in her new Big Two's/Little Three's classroom. She has gotten rave reviews the last two days. Going potty on her own, eating well, playing nicely, and napping for two hours. She can also now say the words "up" and "cookie". sugary sweet.

Mood: cautiously optimistic
My critical care rotation this fall will be on the Cardiac Care Unit. I really had a great time on the Cardiac floor and am really comfortable with the pathophys of the heart. I also really enjoy the ICU setting.

I'm hoping to write my Epi paper on Smallpox. I love dipping into my background in biowarfare and forensics. Throw in the biological and medical aspects of Smallpox and I get really excited (ya, geeky, i know). If not, I'll have to settle for Marburg.

I have Ethics this fall and we'll be doing group debates. (groups-suck, debates-rock).

I'm hopeful there will be some fun to be had this fall, but I have no doubt that they will find a way to ruin it, per usual.

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