Saturday, July 05, 2008

Happy July

A day late to say Happy 4th, but we had such an All American day yesterday. We took the girl's to grandma's pool in the morning and hung out with the in-laws. Brian even took Abigial on a surprise dip down to the bottom of the pool. She didn't want to do it again right away, but she was smiling and very excited to try again today.

Family nap time, then it was off to see the fireworks after dinner. This is the first year we've kept the kids up late enough to see the fireworks. I know, I know. Other parent's don't think twice about keeping their kids up until 10:30 pm just for kicks, but consistent bedtime is what has maintained our sanity the last five years. Regardless, the girls had a BLAST. They were so well behaved and were ridiculously excited about the fireworks. Abigail was up at 6:15 because of a thunderstorm and Autumn was still up before 8. They did nap well today, though.

Here are a couple of pics of the patriotic ladies.
Abigail and Her Friend Now Known as KK

1 comment:

Da Doo Run Run said...

That is so bizarre. KK looks remarkably like Jake in that picture. I literally did a double take at first trying to figure out when they would have been together for a photo op. Weird.