Thursday, August 07, 2008


We finally got kindergarten teacher assignments in the mail today. We told Abigail who her teacher was and she exclaimed "That's just who I wanted". Of course when she found her friend had a different teacher, she quickly dissed her assignment and began pining for the other teacher. Fickle Five. At any rate, I am so excited to be a mom of a kindergartener.

I recently encountered a few moms that were against teaching their kids evolution and/or the origins of the universe. Let's be clear, evolution and the origin of the universe are two different things. You can believe in evolution even if you think someone else put the universe in place. And just because we haven't concretely identified how everything got here, it doesn't mean an unidentified deity put us here. I find it interesting that people of faith are always trying to debunk science because something hasn't been "proven", yet belieiving in God based on faith is totally acceptable.

I also don't think that science and religion have to always be butting heads with each other. I think that they can coexist peacefully in someone's life. And while I'm at it, why is it acceptable to tell people their scientifc beliefs are bogus and ignorant. I would never walk up to someone (I hardly even know, btw) and tell them that what they believe is the most widely dispersed story and not based on concrete facts.

At the end of the day, one of these moms is a good friend of mine and will remain so because she and I respect each other's beliefs and empower each other to parent in the way we feel is best for our family. The other lady, I've encountered less than a handful of times and you better believe I will go out of my way to never cross paths with her again, thankyouverymuch.

I will enjoy the fact that Abigail has no idea that knowledge can be so controversial and I'll teach her to stand up for her beliefs, despite what those around her say.

1 comment:

MeL said...

Isn't it sad that we live in a world where all too many people can't seem to get along with anyone unless they share the same ideology? I don't get it. It narrows the fantastic vastness of the universe to a single train of thought. I'm thrilled not everyone believes as I do when it comes to the origins of the universe, evolution, collective consciousness, etc. If everyone could agree on one way of thinking, there'd be no point in continuing the search for discovery! Why so many people see that as something to be feared... I will never understand. *sigh*

I'm glad, too, that Jack has no idea about the controversial nature of it all. He actually went to a methodist preschool last year and, rather than continually try to discredit the religious aspects of the curriculum, we talked about "that is what some people believe. Others believe X and others believe Y. Here's what your mom and dad believe. You get to figure out what YOU believe, and it's okay if that changes over time."

Gotta love the untarnished brain of a child, not yet cast into an iron mold.