Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Am I Missing Something?

Please, not all at once. I readily admit, my mind has been gone for some time. I actually found myself with spare time today. Took in a viewing of an all-time favorite Ever After while convalescing on the couch. This was suppose to be the week from hell and I found two hours to mindlessly veg in front of the television?! I suppose my plans to work ahead over spring break a few weeks ago finally paid off. I have only to print off my paper and do a last minute review of my presentations and I'm set. I don't want to jinx myself, I'm not as sick as I could be and the little munchkins are stealthy about sneaking in illness when you least suspect it. At any rate, I'll be thankful that I got to squeeze in a refreshingly unexpected mental health day. And an episode of Biggest Loser to top it all off. Beat that!


Da Doo Run Run said...

Good for you! You deserve it!

T. said...

Rest!!! Getting ahead of school is always a bonus and feels ooooh so good. Eat a bon bon for me.