Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bagels, Books, and Black Holes

Today started far too early. The Pixie got up before the sun did (who knew the sun would sleep all day), but once I accepted being awake, I got to read the paper while playing airplane. Then, the Princess, the Pixie and myself headed off to get a morning bagel at Bodo's. I've always been disappointed that they don't have very fun bagels like blueberry or pumpkin, but they are by far the best bagel in town. Chewy in the middle and a nice crusty outer. Then a little browsing at the bookstore where I nabbed the hardback version of The Labyrinth for $8 less than the paperback version. Then we were off to the NRAO open house to see the telescopes and learn about constellations. The girls loved it. We even got to crawl into an inflatable planetarium and see the night sky.

Growing up we always spent a lot of time looking up at the night sky. I remember sitting in a field far from the DC lights watching the meteors. I also remember being freaked out by the bull frogs that wouldn't give us peace. I've always enjoyed astronomy. I took a class in high school (we actually had a planetarium in our school) and a class in college. I really look forward to the days that the girls can manage to keep their peepers open long enough to see the summer sky (it's just far too cold for me to haul them out in the winter when it get's dark early). I hope they had as much fun today as I did. I think they liked stamping their log the best, but I think they learned a little something, too.

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