Thursday, May 15, 2008


I am officially another year older. Yesterday was my birthday and it was just perfect. Let me enlighten you a little about my definition of perfect. My husband describes me as a high-maintenance-low-maintenance chick. Meaning, I don't like expensive gifts, I don't want a fancy brunch for breakfast, and I'd just as soon skip the fresh (or potted) flowers. Running shoes were my gift of choice for about three years in college before my mom flat-out refused to let something so practical be my present. I prefer a handful of inexpensive and thoughtful gifts, a warm bagel and coffee for breakfast, a drawing from the girls, and something that I can't kill or have die on me. In fact, my husband quickly realized that buying me those frivolous presents and a dozen roses only made me uncomfortable and ruined my holiday. It doesn't take a lot for me to have my perfect day, but I can not imagine anything better.

In keeping with my love of simple gifts, I was blown away when we arrived at dinner last night to see the table full of my BFFs. I have no idea how the Prince organized the whole event and everyone kept it a secret, but I was completely shocked. Growing up, girls and I never really got along. Since I've become a mom and moved to Cville, however, I have found the most lovely group of ladies. Our friendships may have started because we were in the trenches of sleep deprivation and diaper changing, but our friendships have graduated beyond chatting over the children playing at our feet. We are true friends. Our conversations are more likely to solicit who we are, than parenting advice.

The loot was awesome; a Starbuck's gift card (yummy), green-inspired t-shirts, and a photo and movie cd. And to top it off, I had no idea how many great songs were on the Fergie cd until the Prince got it for me. This is one of the first times in my life that I feel like people know ME, not how they perceive me to be. The gifts were chosen with my likes in mind without imposing what they would like for me.

And, no, I don't feel older. Life is only getting better every day.

1 comment:

Raina said...

Happy Birthday Kerri! I was instantly envious of you and your perfect husband and perfect family and I wondered how you got so lucky. Then I remembered: you're wonderful. Thanks for telling me about the blog--I'll plan to hijack it often. Raina