Monday, May 12, 2008


I can not believe it's been a whole week since I've last posted. A huge pet peeve of mine is infrequent bloggers and now I've become one of them. AAAAAA! I make no excuses, but I have been busy. Since I last wrote, I completely reorganized both of the girls rooms, the Pixie is now in a full-fledged toddler bed, the Princess has a new desk in which to create her copious art masterpieces, the girls and I visited some good friends in Fredericksburg, my mother came to visit for two days, the Princess and I went to another birthday party, all of the in-laws came by with birthday presents, and then it was Mother's Day.

I have to gush for a moment. I absolutely love being a mom. I won't paint some rosy picture and say raising children is all peaches and cream. There are times when I dread the monotony of day-to-day child care and the sibling jealousy makes me cringe. But I love watching the Pixie solve her puzzles in stellar speed and I love listening to the Princess tell me about the inner thoughts of her lovey Pooh Bear. To watch them give comfort when the other is sad and seeing them play together in elaborate fantasy worlds of school, house, or doctor is inspiring. Lately it's been so much fun just to have them cook with me or help me unload the dishwasher. They even make running to the store for milk more fun.

So, thank you little ladies for filling up my life with giggles and hugs. Next to my husband and my kids everything else is just icing. Without a foundation of cake, icing has no place. But when you've got the tastiest cake around, the icing just makes it that much sweeter. Wishing you all your own little slice of tasty cake.

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