Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Little Lady Date

The Pixie and I had a little lady date today. She played hookie from school and we went for a morning walk, did our fingernails, had a lunch date with a friend, and washed both of the cars. It's very rare that she and I get to hang out together, just the two of us. She is quite a lot of fun and very chill (completely opposite from when she is competing with the Princess for attention, which is always).

Thursday will be a little lady date with the Princess. Trying to squeeze in every last drop of fun and relaxation before school starts up again on Monday. Speaking of school, final grades came in, 4 As and 1 A-, just as I suspected. Glad I've got another semester down...4 to go.

1 comment:

Da Doo Run Run said...

Congrats on the great grades!!! Good idea spending some one-on-one time with the kids.